General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for 07/01/2013 through 07/07/2013
Eli Yitzhaki:
What is your opinion on Senators Norm Coleman and Carl Levin?
Dear Chaim, since Nelson Mandela is on his death bed could you talk about him and his vile ex-wife Winnie?
Binyamin Yisrael:
Who is Jennifer Finlay? She wrote an article on JTF about Imamu Baraka. Can you repeat about IB saying Sharon didn't come to work at the WTC on 9/11?
Chaim ha'Gibor, tell us about Sidney Blumenthal? Please compare the followings "temples": B'nei Jeshurun, Park East, Rodeph Sholom, Ohab Tzedek. Toda!
Shalom Chaim, any white person who does not support the freedom of George Zimmerman, is the ultimate in white self hatred.
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