Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea

Torah question RE: hunting

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I'm told hunting is considered unethical in Judaism, but is it OK to hunt for the purpose of pest or feral animal control as in the case for feral pigs in Australia, provided it is done cleanly by rifle fire?

If those feral pigs kills people then I don't see a problem with shooting them, or otherwise getting rid of them. 

Then again, I'm not that observant so maybe Lubab or one of the other posters here can give you a better response.

Yes you're right Lisa. If animals are causing humans any inconvenience you can kill them e.g. mice in your house etc.

Human suffering comes before the suffering of animals.

Thanks Lubab  :)

And Newman, you are absolutely right about Jews being against hunting.  It's not a liberal thing either.  I am right wing, and I find it very distasteful, as I am against killing anything just for sport. 


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