It is a harsh fact of my life that my brothers Yartzeit (Anniversary of his death) falls out during the week before the High Holidays. This is something that Hashem, in his infinite wisdom, decided upon as part of the fabric of reality. The cataclysmic event of September 11th remains unparalleled, and G-d willing it should never happen again, and adds a dimension to my brothers death which nobody but the family of 9/11 victims can ever comprehend.
Add to this the fact that this week has been incredibly difficult at my work. It seems like Hashem is testing me, and testing me again, till it seems like my stress level goes into the stratosphere. Tonight I was working till 10:30 and didn't get home till 11:30 (the night before I didn't get home till 10PM). Anyway, it has been extremely tiring and the fact that a major bug has fallen into my responsibility at work the week before I am taking off for the Holidays just adds to my discomfort.
I asked my Rabbi to say Kaddish for my brother because I am unable to pull together a minyan in my area (my Rabbi lives 20 minutes away). I will light my yartzeit candle for my brother. I ask all who know me, and care about a fellow Jew, to please remember my brother in their prayers.
His Hebrew name was : Yonatan Ben Dovid