I think that invading Syria is a very bad idea for many many reasons, first of all, it's like Libya, Iraq, Egypt, etc.
When Iraq was invaded, you had saddam Hussein but the fact is he was powerless in his position, his economy was in ruins, there was literally nothing he could do and he was a buffer between Iran, the same with Libya in North Africa, another deadbeat leader who was basically powerless, and now Syria, Assad can't do anything, having him in power left him weak, however as more of these secular leaders are replaced with extremists, then you get a united pan arab movement ready to invade tiny Israel and suddenly these wars don't seem like such a good idea.
This is the reality, either the situation is going to push Israel into realizing they do have a very real enemy surrounding them, or it's going to push them into further defending themselves against a united Middle East against them.
I really think the US getting involved is going to hurt Israel in the end.