Shalom Everyone,
We are in final preparations before the awesome holiday season of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. I have been packing and preparing, getting in the spirit of the Holiday and I wanted to make one last post before departing to the hotel. I wanted to remind everyone that this is the time all Jews should do an accounting of where we are today, both individually and nationally. My congregation, while more center politically than I, is very concerned with Israel and aligns more with the right wing than the liberals.
That being said we must not place our faith in men, least of all politicians like we have today. There is only one whom a Jew is permitted to place his trust in, and this is our father in Heaven, the King of the Worlds. No matter which way the political winds will blow over the next few days we should know that Hashem is in control. I believe that the IDF is capable of defending the land, is capable of inflicting damages on the enemies.
Since Rosh Hashanah is a Yom Tov (Holy Holiday) observant Jews do not use electronic equipment, light fires, do malachot (constructive labor) I intend on not seeing any news till Saturday evening after Shabbat. I am sure if something cataclismic happens we will hear about it. But I am willing to allow Hashem to run the world while I am not paying attention, letting Hashem take the wheel like we do on the Sabbath.
I hope that everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike, has a week of goodness and peace, and that even during times of trouble that G-d is the ultimate good.
Shana Tovah, may we all be written in the book of life...