Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Greek "Golden dawn" uses serbian symbol

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Ephraim Ben Noach:

--- Quote from: serbian army on October 12, 2013, 01:54:32 PM --- I don't know as much about Freemasonry...and I don't blame Jews for any secret society conspiracy

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I like Masons and Jews, alot of my family were and are Masons. George Washington was a Mason, a lot of his top Military Officers were Jewish Masons...

Greek "Golden dawn" are fasist, nacis and antisemits. That symbol are not serbian but for orthodox christianity wich they abused!!!

serbian army:

--- Quote from: אפרים בן נח on October 12, 2013, 09:05:57 PM --- I like Masons and Jews, alot of my family were and are Masons. George Washington was a Mason, a lot of his top Military Officers were Jewish Masons...

--- End quote ---
What do they say about the Serbs?

Ephraim Ben Noach:
^ Заиста, то је због тога избацио Британца дупе и освојила своју независност ...

Ephraim Ben Noach:
" Да ли масон може бити државник?- Може и те како.- Да ли то значи да ће он своје принципе и своје постулате примењивати у својој владавини?- Он мора да се придржава наших постулата."

То значи да он може бити државник, али он мора да живи од етичких и моралних кодекса ... Или је напоље!


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