Author Topic: The truth about islam?!?!?  (Read 8163 times)

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Offline sixinone

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The truth about islam?!?!?
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:32:21 AM »
How about starting a -the truth about judaism,,,
If I were to do that would you be glad that someone would really like to know the truth or would you all get pissed of calling me a naziscum?
The world has -how many muslim again???¨
If you lived in a poor country and gettin your a## fcuked by large moneyhungry corps. Bombed if you dont want them there,,wouldnt you like to know whos bombing you and retaliate,,Oops sorry,, forward the peace process by simply releasing bombs oops sorry peacebringers of light unto thee.

Give me some of that arrogantImsomuchsmarterthanyou propaganda
i know you want to
Come on bring it on!!
Bring me truth

Peace my fellow world citizens

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 08:44:11 AM »
Massuh recommends:

Why don't YOU start a "The Truth About Judaism" series RIGHT HERE ON THIS WEBSITE, terd?

Make sure you include in it your ""  role models like Karl Marx & George Soros.

As for your "peace & justice international"  rant about " in a poor country and having the..."...

I'm not the least interested in your concepts of "global citizenship" (otherwise known as slavery).

We at JTF LOVE AMERICA, and understand that the "poor countries" are only poor in spirit...they believe in false gods and stupid antiquated OLD WORLD philosophies.

The United States Of America is indeed "novus ordus seclorum"..."a New Order of the Ages".

Our Founding Fathers BROKE with the "Old World"...founded a New One...based on the belief in the unlimited worth of THE INDIVIDUAL.

Then, as now, the Framers knew that "groups" were as flawed as were "Kings".

They knew that EQUALITY was defined as "Equal Justice Under Law" (not "economic justice" and not "social justice").

It's real simple:  Don't want to get bombed by the U.S.A.?.....then don't fxxx with us!

Love Mohammedans?  Love Mestizo Sanchez?  Love Castro?

No problem....LEAVE the U.S. and go live under Communism...make sure your ticket there is ONE-WAY.   

Offline Shlomo

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2006, 10:30:02 AM »
Looks like "Darnell" is also "sixinone"

Nice try, idiot. You don't want truth (obviously)... you want to cause problems. If the idiot muslims didn't cry jihad all the time and try to kill us "infidels", maybe... just maybe... they wouldn't have troups bombing them. OH YA... they're all victims, right?

And please get some help with your english. Did you even go to school?
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2006, 12:53:45 PM »
Black .. Muslim same genetic defication

Offline davkakach

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2006, 12:58:59 PM »
Tsk tsk...  you're feeding the trolls.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2006, 05:53:27 PM »
Black .. Muslim same genetic defication
Racism is not a good thing, not all black people are bad, I have many non-white friends.

What type of person someone is is not genetic.

Offline davkakach

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2006, 10:22:38 PM »
Racism is not a good thing, not all black people are bad, I have many non-white friends.

What type of person someone is is not genetic.
Tell it to the thousands of White people, in partiular women,
who fall victim every year to Black-on-White crime in the U.S...   :-\
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline Shlomo

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2006, 10:54:12 PM »
Yes, of course there are genetic differences. Absolutley. I mean, that's been proven. Every race of people has their contributions (even if it's negative) and their problems that they must work out. The Bible says the Egyptians... it doesn't say MOST Egyptians... I'm sure there were some Egyptians who loved the Jews and thought what was happening was wrong. You can bet on it.

Why would G-d mention the canaanites, hittites, or amorites by their race? Because it's true. Race plays a part... BUT (you knew it was coming) race isn't the ONLY factor of behavior in a group of people. You have experiences, beliefs, goals, social constructs, and preferences that also make up a group of people. This is quite obvious simply looking at current races today.

So we have to be careful with saying "blacks" when we mean a certain race. Black really isn't a race. Ya, we were told it's a race (brainwashed) but that's simply not true. It's a skin color. So while Ethiopean Jews are doing what they can to serve Hashem... blacks in America obviously aren't (as a whole).

I just wanted to clarify that. The arabs are a race. The black africans and/or black americans are a race. But just because someone is black (or blonde) doesn't inherrently make them an evil person, G-d forbid. Still it is niave not to take into consideration what a race contributes to humanity or what they do to damage mankind. Obviously, we have examples in the Torah.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2006, 11:20:30 PM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline sixinone

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2006, 03:38:36 AM »

I need to apologize, i can see you all reacted strongly and Im sorry.
Im doing research on how diffrent religious groups take offence, Ive been posting on Christian boards as well as Muslim boards.
Im going to use the respons I got here for my work, So ones again thank you and Im truly sorry if I offended anyone.

And no i didnt post here before under a diffrent name
Good luck to you all
I love you

Peace and blessed be thee
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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2006, 03:22:43 PM »
Racism is not a good thing, not all black people are bad, I have many non-white friends.

What type of person someone is is not genetic.
Tell it to the thousands of White people, in partiular women,
who fall victim every year to Black-on-White crime in the U.S...   :-\

I cannot write the reply I want to write, because someone will call me racist if I do.

Offline stevefromqueens

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2006, 09:15:01 PM »
To Sixinone: Enough with the nonsense about Muslims behaving like lunatics because they are in poor countries and being treated badly! The problem that I see with Islam is that it is trapped in the dark ages, totally inflexible, closed to new thought and has never undergone any type of reformation. Think about it - this is the only "religion" that encourages its followers to suicide - even stooping so low as to glamorize homicide bombing to children. Do you know of any other group of people who raise their children to admire and aspire to killing themselves and others?  It seems to me that Islam is constantly blaming everyone else for problems that are of their own making - women have to be veiled because they distract men from thinking of Allah - I would say this is the man's problem - but no, make it the woman's problem, and veil her instead of having the guy grow up and get his mind out of his crotch. Wonder why there is such poverty in Islamic countries, or the total lack of decent universities, or why so many women die in childbirth even in this day and age? Easy - because Islamic law keeps women out of education and out of the workforce - so half the population of any Islamic country is kept from doing anything except taking care of the men and the kids. Muslim women can not be examined by a male doctor, and women can not become doctors - any surprise that so many women die in childbirth? Then we go on to the state of "education" in Islamic countries. We know the women are not part of this - and the men who attend are being educated by mullahs - who insist that whatever is taught be in sync with Islamic law and belief. So, again we have a situation where progress can not be made, no evolution of society can take place. As the world becomes technologically more and more advanced, the Islamic countries sit there in the sand, thinking only of how they can pervert technology to bring about the destruction of the "infidel" - it would never dawn on them to use it to their advantage to save lives and better their own status. So stop complaining, and get out of the dark ages. You are your own worst enemy!

Offline sixinone

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2006, 03:27:18 AM »
To stevefromqueens:

As I stated above Im not here to say that Islam is a splendid religion. I simply wanted to see how you would react. All religions of today are outdated
For instance Islam with their women, Christianity with their "We hate homosexualls" , Judaism with their " I have a speciall gene wich make me better than you".
Ofcourse not all muslims,jews or christian is this way but rather small groups of extremist.
By the way about that suicidebombing thing,,, Muslims stole that idea from the Japanese----Pearl Harbor anyone?

'the problem of today with religious groups is that every single one of them behave as thou they got the key to god and the answer of the universe.
Hey its our way or the highway, and you wonder why the world is at the state were in now.
Have a great day all of U.

Blessed be thee
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Offline davkakach

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2006, 10:51:05 AM »
All religions of today are outdated
When you say this, you spit upon the memory of your ancestors.
This is a typical foolish and arrogant statement that usually comes
out of a leftist.  When you get older and wiser, you may change
your mind.

Christianity with their "We hate homosexualls"
I am not a Christian, but I believe that Christianity doesn't hate
homosexuals but rather their choice of practicing the abomination
of homosexuality.

Judaism with their " I have a speciall gene wich make me
better than you".
I challenge you to prove this allegation using any of the authentic
Jewish sources such as the Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, Gemara, Tosefta,
and others.  Jews are not a race.  They are a people.  Jews believe that
what makes them better than all the rest is their acceptance of the Torah
as the Word of G-d.  The most prominent atheistic (self-hating) Jews,
from the point of view of Judaism, are considered worse than righteous
Christian Bible-believing gentiles, no matter how genetically well-endowed
they might be.  I am troubled by the extent to which you are grossly

Of course not all muslims,jews or christian is this way but rather
small groups of extremist.
What you regard as "extremist" Islam is actually mainstream Islam,
and contrary to uninformed popular belief, these "radicals" are not
a tiny minority at all, but rather a majority of all Muslims.  As for the
"small group of Christians"---it comprises almost the entire base of
the Republican Party.  With Jews---you may be right.  But the numbers
of these "extremists" are growing, because they multiply, whereas
the secular "moderate" Jews don't have babies.

By the way about that suicide bombing thing,,, Muslims stole
that idea from the Japanese----Pearl Harbor anyone?
Although the tactic is the same, the ideologies behind it are
different.  Whereas the Japanese placed emphasis on honor and
regarded death as preferable to dishonor, the Islamic culture
(shaped by the message of the Qur'an and Hadith) celebrates
death, to the point where martyrdom is not a means to an end
but the actual end.

'the problem of today with religious groups is that every single one of them
behave as thou they got the key to G-d and the answer of the universe.
I don't understand what your problem is.  When was the last time you
were accosted by a Jew who tried to convert you to Judaism?  Your
moral equivalence is appalling, as if Judaism can be equated with the
horror of Islam.

and you wonder why the world is at the state were in now.
The world is at the state it is in now because of ignorance of the truth, because
don't know the real history of Islam, because they preach moral equivalence,
because not only did we lose the ability to recognize evil when we see it, but
even when we recognize it, we don't feel justified in destroying it.  After all,
so what?  There's nothing wrong with Evil that wishes to destroy you.  In fact,
there is no Evil or Good, everything is realtive. Isn't that what Einstein said?
And even if there is Evil, why it's just different, no better or worse than Good.
Let's celebrate our differences.  Diversity is our strength, right?

Son, one of these days you'll grow up and open your eyes.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 10:57:39 AM by davkakach »
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline Shlomo

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2006, 10:51:30 AM »
As I stated above Im not here to say that Islam is a splendid religion. I simply wanted to see how you would react.

If you are just going to post things to cause trouble, then please don't.

All religions of today are outdated

You obviously have never investigated Judaism.

Permission to Believe (Four Rational Approaches to G-d's Existence) by Lawrence Kelemen
ISBN: 0944070558

For instance Islam with their women, Christianity with their "We hate homosexuals" , Judaism with their " I have a speciall gene wich make me better than you".

Beside the fact that you can't reason or spell, I will attempt to debate with you.

Islam is outdated and is a horrible cult of death. Homosexuality is wrong - sounds like you are probably gay - because two men do not produce a child. And Jews do NOT think they are "more special" because of a gene. How would you explain all the converts? Jews are special because [#1] G-d said they were and [#2] it's because of their soul. You obviously don't like to hear that but it just sounds like a personal jealousy problem to me.

The accomplishments of the Jews FAR OUTNUMBER their percentage of other people on the planet. How can you deny the Jewish people have produced so much for such an incredibly tiny and minuscule portion of the population on the planet? Do this rub you the wrong way?

Ofcourse not all muslims,jews or christian is this way but rather small groups of extremist.

All good muslims are extremists. If you aren't an extremist, then the deepest hotest place in "hell" is reserved for you - it's what the koran says.

And what you call extreme is based on what comparison? I think that western culture is extreme materialism and self worship.

By the way about that suicidebombing thing,,, Muslims stole that idea from the Japanese----Pearl Harbor anyone?

Who cares who they took the idea from? We need to stop the threat of mass murder from these insane idiots.

'the problem of today with religious groups is that every single one of them behave as thou they got the key to G-d and the answer of the universe.
Hey its our way or the highway, and you wonder why the world is at the state were in now.

Again, you are showing your ignorance. I'll save this one until the end.

Have a great day all of U.
Blessed be thee
I Love you
6 in 1

Spare us your sarcasm.

Let me change your own quote just a little to show you your hypocrisy:

the problem of today with non-religious groups is that every single one of them behave as "thou" they got the key and the answer of the universe. Hey its our way or the highway, and you wonder why the world is at the state were in now.

You like that? You are an arrogant fool by your own words.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 10:54:43 AM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2006, 04:25:38 PM »

I need to apologize, i can see you all reacted strongly and Im sorry.
Im doing research on how diffrent religious groups take offence, Ive been posting on Christian boards as well as Muslim boards.
Im going to use the respons I got here for my work, So ones again thank you and Im truly sorry if I offended anyone.

And no i didnt post here before under a diffrent name
Good luck to you all
I love you

Peace and blessed be thee
6 in 1

The fact of the matter is; IF this person is posting inflammatory rhetoric on islamic forums, he'd better watch his neck. 

Obviously, he need not fear that from us.

« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 04:30:07 PM by Scriabin »

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: The truth about islam?!?!?
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2006, 12:43:27 AM »
Got to love the B.S from the Muslims and their rhetoric don't you and yet they don't fool anybody specially on this forum.