The war Is Not only being fought with physical weapons, but with words. It is taking place in the information battle space. Judaism and Israel are being slandered almost constantly by wicked people. In this war of Information Am YIsrael is obligated to the truth. The enemies of Israel could care less about the truth and focus on hurting Israel in any capacity. As most people on JTF are probably Aware of; The Tanakh Is the only manuscript to be venerated by all three of the major Abraham faiths. Judaism, christianity and islam all venerate the hebrew scriptures to be divine. It Is written In the Tanakh that The Lord bequeathed the Land of Israel to Avraham Avinu and his children thru Yitskhak and Yaʿakov who was renamed Yisraʾel. NOT to the children of Yishmael. It is a interesting fact yet rarely noted that the Quran ALSO states that the land of Israel belongs to Am Yisrael. That being said- any muslim fighting Israel for any reason is going completely against Islam. Christians also have no claim to the land of Israel. Their is a communication breakdown here. All opposing religions state in consensus that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews. As people start to learn these interesting details; the "Palestinian" narratives starts to weaken. We are now living in a age of Information. History or at least some guys version of it is available instantly for most. Anyone can be a published author. In this war of Information many evil people have taken it upon themselves to attempt a re-right of history of the land and people of Israel. The worst sin is a Chillul Hashem. Every time they desecrate Israel in any way it is a Chillul Hashem because Israel are the chosen people of G-d. The same goes for the Land Of Israel when they call it "Palestine" it denies the Jewish Biblical claim that trumps ALL other claims. That is a chillul hashem.When Jews Challenge the enemy in rightousness it is a Kiddush HaShem. When Jews stand up and say G-d is real! that is a Kiddush HaShem. when Jews Dwell in the land of Israel that is a Kiddush HaShem. Their are many transgressions going on against Israel right now. I want to Focus mainly on the war of Information right now.
In the online realm their Is a influential magazine that masquerades as israeli but has a blatant agenda that goes against Israel and Judaism. This website is called Their agenda (G-d Forbid) is to divide the land and people of Israel and give away our Holiest sites to Muslims. and then render Judaism and Israel into a Small benevolent minority in the land of Israel. The Good News Is they will fail. G-d Is with Israel. That being said; They should NOT go unchallenged. Every article they post is cleverly tailored to demonize Israel (who is righteous) and to victimize the "Palestinian" Arabs (who have NO claim to the Biblical land of Israel). This magazine ( is a farce. Because in writing Their are tremendous transgressions against G-d. They desecrate the Name of G-d. They desecrate Israel and they desecrate Judaism all together. This is a tremendous Chillul Hashem. For the most part besides myself and a few other brave well informed Jews, there wickedness goes unchallenged. . Every single verbal transgression against Am Yisrael should be challenged with well informed mature arguments. Big things our happening in the world right now. Israel can and will unite. We will have the power to overcome our enemies. so in short please go argue with all the nut-cases on Be ready for the moderators to not publish most of what you post. Their agenda involves censoring good Jews and anything that could hinder their agenda even if it is truth. Post your comments anyways. they will be received. The comments that get thru do allot because left wing jews who are involved with the Israel/"Palestinian" conflict mainly read haaretz. Left wing Jews hurt Israel. If we can change their opinions it will be great. Together we can Influence the collective opinion-and at the very least show that Israel is a force to be reckoned with even on Also I ask that you debate without swearing or making Israel look bad if Possible. They will see that they cant verbally slander Israel and go unchallenged. Boycotting their website will only help their evil cause. just do NOT buy a subscription to Remember these two things. 1. The Truth is With Am Yisrael.
2. Most Importantly of ALL- Hashem Is with Am YIsrael
Am Yisrael Chai!