I just got done watching this movie and was pleasantly surprised. Not only did I find it quite hilarious, but I really felt the movie did a decent job showing the utter hypocrisy of naive liberal Americans and the evilness of Islamic regimes. The Dictator, played by Sacha Baron Cohen, seemed to be somewhat of a mix of Qadaffi, Sadam Hussein and Ayatollah Khamenei all in one. Perhaps, a few Arab sheikh personalities could also be thrown into the mix. There was some scenes that were so politically incorrect, yet so cleverly disguised I was amazed they could ever make it to the big screen through liberal Hollywood. The scene were the Dictators, nuclear scientist friend talks about how he raped little 14 year old boys just blew my mind.

Not only is it true that Islamic dictators do molest young males, but the movie seem to in a very inconspicuous way, address the type of sadistic deed performed by these Islamic tyrants.
Yeah, it was kind of cheesy, a bit rushed and at times silly and ludicrous, but I do feel the movie did a decent job of showing the current threat and how simple-minded and blind Western people are to them. I think he did a great job portraying how stupid and useless is the UN, as well as all the bleeding heart liberals in this country, portrayed by the ultra-left-wing, gay-friendly, immigrant-friendly, feminist vegan health food store he ends up working at

Well, I have given my review of this movie, I'm interested to hear other people's opinions about it. I know some people hate Cohen for his lewd and utterly vulgar humor, but I think if you can see through it, the guy does manage to produce some very powerful messages in his movie that can reach audiences who were otherwise oblivious to them through other less satirical means.
Considering that Iran is building a nuclear bomb in an attempt to destroy Israel right now, I actually think this movie has more relevance now than ever. I personally think this guy is quite a genius in the way he presents himself. His silly characters always seem to hold a deeper, more rational message.
Here are some honest points that Sacha Baron Cohen was able to make about Islamic people in this movie.. He managed to pull it off without being labelled "racist" or "right-wing", through the clever satire of his scripts:
1. Muslims rape young boys and their male prisoners
2. Muslims torture their enemies
3. Muslims treat women like garbage
4. Muslims hate Israel and want to nuke it
5. Muslims hate Jews
6. Muslims are sadistic
7. Muslims are racist against blacks and other minorities.
8. Islamic leaders are tyrants
9. Muslim leaders will play games with Western governments to protect themselves (Anybody see this happening now? Perhaps the deal between US/UN and Iran??)
10. Muslims pretend take advantage of Western people to benefit themselves.