I think he's from there but he's not there now.
He made a pretty supportive comment about the TOR browser...
Oh my gosh! SpiralingLeopard was a troll this whole time! 
Now why would you just come out with that accusation.
I have a question related to this;
A few months ago the moderator of a forum I belonged to said that he wanted cirumcism and kosher slughter banned in Britain because he thought they were cruel.
I thought this was an anti semitic viewpoint and said so. He said he wasn't anti semitic because he strongly supported Israel against the Palestinians, (and he really does)
I know that he does voluntary work for a conservative secular Jew that he likes very much.
He said that he think circumcism and Kosher slaughter is O.K in Israel because the majority there are Jewish and he believes in Israel's national soverenty. He just does not want it in Britain in the same way he does not want Muslim slaughter either.
He also is very negative about Ultra Orthodox, while he is very positive about secular British Jews. Is that person anti-semitic?
I never met anyone like him before and didn't know what to make of it.
The British generally don't like Judaism. They also end up supporting the Fraudestinians largely, because though they can not like what they do, they can't really say it's wrong or right, because the concept is gradually erased from secular society. What's easy becomes what's right. In the end, he would pressure Israel to move to Africa if somehow (G-d forbid) infrastructure was wiped out and an opening came up among the sub-Saharans. What is Israel to him?
Now there are some Ultra-Othodox groups who hate Israel, so already it's easy to generalize. The thing is, the majority of secular Jews won't be Jews in a generation, so it's easy to support them, they're just like him. No difference whatsoever, except they get a bigger punishment than your Judaism-hating British friend, if they know the truth and spit in G-d's face.
You want to get non-Jews to love you, that's the key. Leave Judaism. Marry their son Hans and tell your brother to marry Gretchin. Hate or not, if Jews keep what G-d promised is for our, and the whole world's good, nothing can touch us, and the goyim will respect us.
It's perfectly natural therefore for them to hate circumcision, kosher slaughter, and would probably hate a half-secular if he kept shabbat instead of coming to his pork-barbecue. They don't understand it. While it's easy to prove that the second a kosher knife cuts the throat according to Halacha, the animal doesn't feel any pain, and any spasmatic movements thereafter are muscle reflexes, since there is no blood to the beast's brain, but what would that help? There is blood. He would prefer a bullet to the brain, because it's less shocking, and if you don't do that with a pig, it really will feel a lot of pain. Either way, how can he argue that causing the least amount of pain is not the best way? If he has another slaughter method, lethal injection, which causes more pain, but makes no mess, he can say that's the best option. Would you follow him then, and how would you defend kosher slaughter? The pain is not the issue, the blood is not the issue, it's that it's different from what they do. We have a spiritual reason for kosher slaughter, and a thousand for circumcision, but this is meaningless to him. No matter what you say, he will still hate it, but the best way to survive as a Jew, ironically, is to be the kind of person our Esavite Brit would hate.