Israel > The JTF Hebrew Club

Chaim was discussing a Hebrew Club...

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I think that is an excellant idea! I really should learn hebrew and doing some sort of online club sounds perfect! Anyone want to do this? Organize this? Ideas?

I know Heb pretty good

same here

I would join it for sure.  The member Dexter has already taught me lots of Hebrew and he LOVES to teach Hebrew, he thinks it's fun.  He could join the group and teach us Hebrew because his English skills are good enough.  I'll let him know and see what he thinks about this idea.

Dr. Dan:
if a hebrew teaching club beings, please let me know. I would like to also learn conversational Hebrew and learn how to read and write better as well.

So far I can read Hebrew well with the vowels, and can form a few sentences. That's about it.


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