Author Topic: Englands decadence and demise  (Read 8209 times)

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Englands decadence and demise
« on: October 07, 2006, 08:58:27 AM »
Prof. Paul Eidelberg

A week after Israel did the world the favor of getting rid of Sheikh Ahmed Yasin, the founder of Hamas and murderer of innocent children, the British House of Commons devoted a minute of silence to his memory .

Bruce Baywer elaborates on England’s decadence: “In the wake of 7/7 [the July 7, 2005 terrorist attack in London] the House of Commons, to its disgrace, went ahead and passed the noxious Racial and Religious Hatred Bill—which sought to pacify Britain by making it a crime to criticize the very radicalism that had just taken fifty-six lives”. (Ironically, it took a non-democratic body, the House of Lords, to uphold democracy by rejecting the bill.)

The following month, Prime Minister Tony Blair named Tariq Ramadan (banned from the United States for his terrorist sympathies) and Inayat Bunglawala (who had called Osma Bin Laden a “freedom fighter’) to a task force responsible for tackling Muslim “extremism”. But to fully appreciate the extent of England ’s decay and demise, let us turn to Melanie Phillips, Londonistan (2006).

“According to British officials, up to sixteen thousand British Muslims are either actively engaged in or support terrorist activity, while up to three thousand are estimated to have passed through al-Qaeda training camps, with several hundred thought to be primed to attack the United Kingdom”.

Why did the government tolerate this development, which had been going on for more than a decade in London ? In fact, London had become the epicenter of Islamic militancy in Europe. Why was there no attempt to combat this evil by the governmental and intelligence agencies which were aware of what was happening?

Phillips probes beneath the surface: “Among Britain’s governing class—its intelligentsia, its media, its politicians, its judiciary, its church, and even its police—a broader and deeper cultural pathology has allowed and even encouraged Londonistan to develop, one which persists to this day”. This pathology—which is also evident in Israel , and which I have called “demophrenia”—is rooted in the university-bred doctrine of moral relativism. England (like Europe ) has been de-moralized, has become a moral wasteland stripped of any standards of right and wrong .

Islam is filling this moral vacuum. It is giving youth meaning and purpose and passion lacking in secularized Christianity—a Sunday religion, platitudinous, hypocritical and unexciting. Phillips sees in the Church of England that “faith in God and belief in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity have been replaced by worship of social liberalism”. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr . Rowan Williams, apologized for bringing Christianity to the world!

It is moral relativism that prompts Britain —as well as the United States and Israel —to negotiate with evil, with terrorists. Who has not heard the vulgarism, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”? This denial of evil is a tendency of democracy, where freedom and equality lack moral constraints. There freedom of speech is more a matter of self-expression than a means of seeking truth. There egalitarianism levels all moral distinctions. There permissiveness and pluralism or multiculturalism have opened the door to Muslim terrorists and sympathizers and are allowing Islam to subvert the West from within .

Throughout the West Muslims complain of being the victims of the majority. Britain, says Phillips, has been crippled by a “victim culture” in which Muslims use moral blackmail against the majority on the grounds of its alleged oppression of minorities. Instead of preventing offenses being committed, the police give priority to preventing offense being given—especially to England ’s hypersensitive Muslim population. The police—indeed, England ’s establishment—are fearful of being accused of “Islamophobia”

On the same day of the 7/7 terrorist attacks in London , the Met’s deputy assistant commissioner said on TV: “As far as I am concerned, Islam and terrorists are two words that do not go together . ” No wonder the BBC refrains from using the term “terrorists” to describe Muslims . To speak of “Muslim terrorists” is to denigrate Islam . Such judgmentalism regarding a particular culture is unfair and undemocratic.

Multiculturalism, says Phillips, has become “the driving force of British life, ruthlessly policed by a state-fancied army of local and national bureaucrats enforcing a doctrine of state-mandated virtue to promote racial, ethnic and cultural differences and stamp out majority values. Institutions have been instructed to teach themselves that they are intrinsically racist and to reprogram their minds in non-judgmentalism.”

(By the way, to stamp out Israel ’s majority culture is precisely the goal of its leftwing parties, which want to transform the Jewish state into “a state of its citizens”. In Israel the Left seeks to minimize the Jewish content of the public school curriculum.)

In Britain, some “politically incorrect” teachers complain that the common culture of pre-1940 England, based on the canon of English literature, the principles of English jurisprudence, and the liturgy of the Church of England, has died.

How tragic! Bad enough that the Archbishop of Canterbury, as mentioned, apologizes for Christianity . Prince Phillip, heir apparent to the throne of Great Britain , has become enamored of Islam!
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline davkakach

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 01:04:47 PM »
Whatever idiotic policies are enacted by the UK government (which,
by the way, has a "Race Relations minister", one Phil Woolas), you can
be sure that the people are not that stupid or suicidal.

Straw blamed for 'racist' backlash
By Marie Woolf, Francis Elliott and Lauren Veevers
Published: 08 October 2006
Jack Straw was last night looking increasingly isolated over his disclosure that he would prefer Muslim women not to wear the veil, as Cabinet colleagues publicly distanced themselves from his remarks.

Ruth Kelly, the Communities Secretary, said she saw wearing the veil as a " personal choice" and would not ask a woman who sought her advice to remove it.

Peter Hain, the Northern Ireland Secretary, who is expected to run against Mr Straw to become deputy leader of the Labour Party, said that women should be entitled to wear the veil if they chose.

"I believe that women, like everybody else, are entitled to dress as they choose to dress," he said on BBC Radio 4's Any Questions.

Mr Straw's condemnation of the veil worn by some Muslim women as a " statement of separation and difference" has caused intense controversy since he raised the issue on Thursday. The Leader of the House of Commons disclosed that he asked Muslim women attending his advice surgery to remove their veils.

But yesterday he was accused by a fellow Labour MP of unleashing a racist backlash against Britain's Muslims.

The first sign of a racist reaction came in Liverpool on Friday when a man snatched a veil from a 49-year-old woman's face after shouting racist abuse. Yesterday, protesters took to the streets of Mr Straw's Blackburn constituency to vent their anger.

The protest was told that a young Muslim girl wearing a veil in Blackburn was confronted by three youths on Friday night. One threw a newspaper at her and shouted: "Jack has told you to take off your veil."

Shahid Malik, Labour MP for Dewsbury, said the country's Muslims were braced for further attacks in a deteriorating climate of fear and suspicion.

"I think Jack may have unleashed forces more negative and corrosive than he anticipated," said Mr Malik. "I think there is a growing feeling among Muslims in Britain that something has got to give. They are genuinely fearful of attack."

The Race Relations minister Phil Woolas claimed Mr Straw's comments had provoked a backlash. The Oldham MP said that Muslims in his constituency had received phone calls from relatives asking if they were safe in Britain, following the extensive news coverage of the issue.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission called for unity in Britain, but the chairman Massoud Shadjareh, said Mr Straw should not let clothing " become a hurdle for discussion".
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 03:17:31 PM »
Some politicans are truly stupid.

People don't even look at how a lot of these women are forced to wear those veils.

And I really don't think it should be the muslims who are fearing attack.

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2006, 05:57:19 PM »
Some politicans are truly stupid.

People don't even look at how a lot of these women are forced to wear those veils.

And I really don't think it should be the muslims who are fearing attack.

Those veils should be removed and burnt, along with the people wearing them


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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2006, 05:59:10 PM »
Violence is not nice, and should only be a last resort.

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2006, 01:41:50 PM »
Ah another pearl of wisdom from rhuan  ;)


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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2006, 03:19:45 PM »
Are you two homosexual lovers?   ???


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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2006, 03:32:24 PM »
@"GEt Thee Hence Satan": Whatever is wrong with you it is no small thing.

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 01:03:32 AM »
Are you two homosexual lovers?   ???

That was uncalled for, Satan.

Offline davkakach

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2006, 09:57:55 AM »
Are you two homosexual lovers?   ???
I was hoping not to see exchanges like this, but unfortunately I was wrong.
There is clearly a need for an unmoderated Flames forum where members
can cuss freely and get at other members.  Please suggest to the administrator
the creation of such a forum, and I will back your request.

But until such forum exists, please communicate on a level that befits a JTF
member and refrain from casting aspersions on fellow JTF members.  Instead,
you can vent your feelings on trolls, and thereby do us all a big favor.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2006, 10:17:20 AM »
Are you two homosexual lovers?   ???
I was hoping not to see exchanges like this, but unfortunately I was wrong.
There is clearly a need for an unmoderated Flames forum where members
can cuss freely and get at other members.  Please suggest to the administrator
the creation of such a forum, and I will back your request.

But until such forum exists, please communicate on a level that befits a JTF
member and refrain from casting aspersions on fellow JTF members.  Instead,
you can vent your feelings on trolls, and thereby do us all a big favor.

Well said Davkakach.

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2006, 02:54:14 PM »
Are you two homosexual lovers?   ???

That was completely uncalled for...I am very offended and call for a sanction on this forum for you.

Look at the lyrics to the song that makes up my username and you shall find my point of view on such things.

Offline jsullivan

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Re: Englands decadence and demise
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2006, 03:58:13 PM »
Get thee hence Satan, many of your posts are very irritating.  Your obsession with blond women and white women whom you believe for some reason are all so anxious to go to bed with black men - these posts of yours are ridiculous, in my opinion.  But on this forum, you have the right to be irritating and ridiculous, so long as you do not insult other posters.

However, your most recent personal insults against other posters have crossed the line and are unacceptable.

I will give you another chance to debate in a civilized manner.  You are free to disagree and to argue, but not to personally insult.  If you violate the rules again, you will leave me with no choice but to ban you.

Please address your fellow posters with respect, even when you wish to disagree with them in your responses.