I think, technically speaking, there are only 4 races. And those 4 races are white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. So, technically speaking, if someone says, "Let's burn the Jew," they're not racists. But if someone says, "Let's burn the Black guy," they are racist. Well, you know what? I think that's a lot of horse manure! I mean, even though, technically, it may be true; however, practically speaking, there is no difference. Just like, technically speaking, anti-semite does not mean anti-Jew -- that's technically speaking; however, everyone knows that anti-semite has nothing to do with anyone being against just any person of semitic origin, but, instead, it ONLY means a Jew hater. Words evolve (just read Shakespeare) and change their meaning. So I think that if a person says "Let's burn the Jew" then the word "racist" should apply -- even though Jews aren't a race.
Now you may say to me, "You're trying to change the meaning of the word to suit your purpose." And I would reply, "You're right!"
Furthermore, and what I find interesting is this: If a Black guy says, "Let's burn the Jew," and the Jew is Caucasian, then the Black guy would not be accused of racism because he didn't want the White guy burned because he was White, but he wanted him burned because he was a Jew. And if the White Jew were wearing a Kippa and the Black guy said, "Let's burn the White guy," then the Black guy WOULD be racist but not an Anti-Semite.
This is why I say that the Black guy is both a racist and an anti-Semite.
One last thing: What if the Black guy said, "Let's burn the Jew" to a BLACK JEW?