What is the Hebrew expression they use to describe how screwed up the situation in Israel is? It means upside down and upside down again.
That should be "Hafuch al hafuch". 
That's easy to remember 'coz it sounds like 'how f---ed and how f---ed!'


I'm forced to mutter that (and worse! ) every time I listen to Arutz Sheva and hear the latest erev rav madness from the knesset! 
Yeah, I've been swallowing their craps for years. What can I say.. Bunch of completely insane people..
I don't know how you Israelis cope with it all. Just having to hear those muslim animals screeching through the loudspeakers at the Kotel would send me into a phsycotic, 3D, technicolour, medievel rampage.
Brainwashing, brainwashing and brainwashing again. We are taught to love and feel compassion towards the Arab Muslim nazis since day one. According to the media – we are the bad guy, Israeli army is an "occupation army" that takes over "Pal@stinian" territories, Israeli pioneers are shown as "land robers" and anti-democrats, the Supreme Court is protecting the Arab killers making us afraid to even dare to defend ourselves, we have enemy-agent traitors in the Knesset (!) who want to destroy us, whom the media welcomes with great respect and honor in each station and channel, and of course,- we are always to blame, we descriminate, we oppress, we abuse..
The outcome of all this is naturally a whole disordered people with self-destructive tendencies, mental problems, twisted minds and a very hard state of stupidity,- causing them to feel guilty, humiliated and ashamed on every bit.