Just curious about our members family history and occupations throughout their history?
My dad's family are descended from a mixture of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, my great great great grandparents (as far back as I can trace) were from Romania around Bucharest, and targoviste, some family is rumored to be from bukovina which was a large farming community, and from what I've researched appear to have migrated from the Ottoman Empire and I've been told originally Syria. Romanian jews originally were all Sephardic from turkey, and the Balkans (who fled from Spain) and later mixed with Jews from Galicia, Hungary and Austria. They left in 1900 and different family members arrived up to 1910 because they had lost a lot of land in Romania at the time, they left to hamburg Germany and moved to Montreal Canada. From there, some of my great cousins were born in Montreal and migrated to Chicago, I am at least 4th generation from Chicago. My grandma on my dad's side may have lived there longer but we don't know her origins.
Most of my dad's family worked as tailors, my great great grandpa was a butcher, other family members including my grandpa was a rancher, and owned a farm and was engaged in agriculture, he also worked with ham radios and I believe sold ham radio equipment. Some of our family were doctors, served in the military, etc. my father worked with computers, he was a network engineer, a programmer, and also was a FFL dealer in the chicago suburbs (since selling guns in the city was almost impossible).
My mom is originally German and French ancestry, her family came to the US around 1830, possibly earlier, they were from a area called Saarland which historically was French and was Germanized, many of the people in Saarland can speak both languages fluently. My mothers family were judges I believe in hamburg, they later came to Wisconsin to also engage in agriculture, many of our family operated farms and my grandfather from what I've been told was primarily involved in building glass for skyscrapers, he was involved in a lot of handy work, he built his house which is a log cottage in the rural northern area of Wisconsin near the michigan upper peninsula. I believe most of my mothers family were blue collar. Most of the family was involved in agriculture, military, and labor.