General Category > Internet Only JTF Shows Archive
Baruch HaShem, 4 New Videos With David And Chaim! (07/31)
Chaim Ben Pesach and David Ben Mosche are race realists...
I think I meant to post in the following in this thread:
I viewed the video about "Talk Radio"--despite youtube taking a very long time with many pauses--it was a great video.
Do Chaim and David prefer a "fairness doctrine" because conservative fans of radio shows like Limbaugh's would then get angry and simultaneously become less influenced by Limbaugh and more by grass-roots?
It takes too long for youtube videos to load for me. Could someone please briefly summarize what was discussed in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th video?
can anyone explain why youtube doest allow me to comment only to rate and favourite - no text comments go on - i hm a member - it always tells me to type in my password and email and to click emial to confirm - but no mesasges are then actully uploaded to youtube!!!
can u help? ;)
I know you have to have cookies turned on. I would check to see if you have them blocked for YouTube. You might also check which version of Java you are using.
I use Mozilla Firefox. It's a much better browser than Internet Explorer and has a ton of really cool plugins.
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