Ed Kohl
Subject: Letter to EU’s Catherine Ashton
Date: January 28, 2014 at 1:45:54 PM EST
Cc: Wall Street Journal Letters to Editor , Media Detroit News
To: Baroness Catherine Ashton
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Dear Baroness Ashton,
Your statement at the recent Holocaust Memorial Day Remembrance ceremony neglecting to mention Jews is bewildering and alarming.
“Today the international community remembers the victims of the Holocaust,”. “We honor every one of those brutally murdered in the darkest period of European history. We also want to pay a special tribute to all those who acted with courage and sacrifice to protect their fellow citizens against persecution. On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we must keep alive the memory of this tragedy. It is an occasion to remind us all of the need to continue fighting prejudice and racism in our own time. We must remain vigilant against the dangers of hate speech and redouble our commitment to prevent any form of intolerance. The respect of human rights and diversity lies at the heart of what the European Union stands for.”
In the event that you are unaware – the German “Final Solution” was the root of the Holocaust. The Final Solution was the German plan to murder the Jews of Europe.
This was to be followed by Muhammad Amin al-Husayni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and an ally of Hitler’s who planned to bring crematoria to the Middle East to eliminate the Jews living there as well.
It seems that you need a history lesson, During Holocaust six million Jews were slaughtered deliberately by the Germans in a government planned and implemented program to exterminate and annihilate European Jews.
African, Middle Eastern, Asian and North American Jews were to follow when the Germans won the war.
The six million Jews, including one and a half million children were hacked to death, gassed to death, hanged to death, herded into death pits and shot to death, beaten to death, driven into their synagogues and burned to death, incinerated, walked to death and starved to death.
Imagine being a teenager and your family stripped naked in public. You, your parents and grandparents exposed in public, lined up and led into the “showers” or death pits and machine gunned to death.
Imagine 5, 6, 7 year olds shot to death or hanged in front of their parents.
This government-sanctioned slaughter was government planned, approved and implemented by the likes of Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler and their allies to murder Jews.
Their method to encourage an already anti Semitic populace was terrible propaganda damning the Jews in the schools, public speeches and media (similar to current Arab hate propaganda in virtually every Arab country).
I’m afraid your actions, ignoring the Jews in your statement, the European Union’s obsession with boycotting Israel’s goods and anti Israel rhetoric is destructive and brings shame on you and your colleagues.
Ed Kohl