Author Topic: New Lie That People Will "Choose" To Work less because of Obamacare  (Read 1898 times)

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Offline kyel

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"the Affordable Care Act contains certain incentives for people not to work full-time because Obamacare subsidies, Medicaid expansion eligibility, and other major parts of the law are calculated according to income.
I know waitresses who got their hours cut below 30 to prepare for the employer mandate of 2015. I love how some guy who probably got paid their yearly salary for this crap article says they'll want to work 25% less so they can get health insurance. If you are a single mother in your 20s or any lower or middle class person living paycheck to paycheck in service sector jobs the last thing you're thinking about is working 25% less to cover health insurance you most likely won't use. The comments for this article truly show the despicable minds of liberals who throw around the word Teabaggers with no meaning just like Islamists throw around the word Zionist with no meaning.