Author Topic: UK government: Muslim Brotherhood membership not proof of “extremism,”  (Read 1811 times)

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UK government: Muslim Brotherhood membership not proof of “extremism,” Brotherhood activists free to operate in UK

So Britain bans Pamela Geller and me from entering the country, even though we have never advocated anything but the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for all people. The letter to me from the UK Home Office said that I was being banned for saying that Islam has a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers, which is simply a true statement. They let in Muhammad al-Arefe, who has said: “Devotion to jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer. Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be unable to prepare to fight.” They let in Hungarian anti-Semitic pro-jihad fascist Gabor Vona.

And now they are allowing to live and work in Britain members of an organization that is dedicated in its own words, according to a captured internal Brotherhood document, to “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” This organization is dedicated a terrorist group by the Egyptian government, and has been widely implicated in the terrorizing of Christians and the destruction of numerous churches in that country.

That’s fine with the Cameron government. Britain puts out the welcome mat for such people. But if you oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression, stay out.

“Membership or link to Muslim Brotherhood not proof of extremism: UK,” by Amer Sultan for Ahram Online, February 5 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

    The UK government has expressed its conviction that membership or links to the Muslim Brotherhood is not proof of extremism, adding that Brotherhood activists are free to operate in the UK so long as they respect its national laws.

    A number of Brotherhood leaders and activists who fled to the UK following the ouster of Egypt’s Islamist president Mohamed Morsi are politically and publically active against the military-backed government in Egypt.

    “The UK allows members of all political groups to operate freely, provided they do not break UK law or immigration rules,” the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) told Ahram Online.

    “Muslim Brotherhood [members are] subject to the same immigration rules as everyone else,” the official added.

    London had rejected the Egyptian government’s designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation, insisting the group is legal in the UK.

    Furious about Brotherhood activists being allowed to reside in, and operate from, UK soil, Egyptian media figures and politicians have accused the UK government of promoting terrorism and extremism.

    The FCO spokesman, however, confirms that “membership or links to the Muslim Brotherhood in the UK are not considered, in themselves, proof of extremism, or links to extremist activity,” asserting that his country takes any extremist activity in the UK “very seriously.”

    “Extremist or illegal behaviour will be challenged and those whose presence here is not welcome will be excluded,” the spokesman added.

    While confirming it does not support any political party in Egypt, the UK government said it encourages an inclusive political system which represents all groups in society, including the Muslim Brotherhood, as the “best way to serve stability and security, in the long run, in Egypt.”