feminazi lesbo's are poisoning their adopted son because of their grievances towards manly men.
Lesbian Couple Allows Their Son To Decide If He Wants To Be Tommy Or Tammy
A California couple is causing a bit of controversy after dosing their son with hormone treatments to deter puberty. They explain that their effort is to give the 11-year-old boy time to explore being a female before deciding what he actually wants to be.
Moreno and Lobel, the questionably intent parents of the influenced child, are adamant that their actions aren’t directed to turning their son, Tommy, into a girl, but rather providing him the opportunity to experience both roles that genders play. It’s hard to fully wrap your brain around the issue here as one can’t help but speculate that there was some form of brainwashing—intentional or not (which is unlikely).
They claim that their son knew at just 3-years-old that he was in fact a girl trapped in an anatomically male body. The boy was reported to have conveyed this to his parents via sign language that he learned because of his speech impediment.
So you’re saying that a boy, whose cognitive abilities are far from developed—and whose speech wasn’t even developing properly—had the mental capacity to relay this information? It hardly seems likely that a three year old would even think about this let along sign, “I am a girl,” to his parents.
Apparently confident in their toddlers decision making process and skills, they have ever since been pressuring their son into trying out what it’s like to be a girl. In fact, they have recently announced that they are going to pump Tommy full of so many hormones that it will delay the natural cycle of puberty allowing him the chance to see what it would be like to be Tammy.
Director of education and training for Gender Spectrum, Joel Baum, who is spearheading Tommy’s Hormone Blocking Therapy states, “this is about giving kids and their families the opportunity to make the right decision.” However this seems more the doing of a pair of non-intellectually equipped bigots who have found a doctor deluded enough to go along with their twisted fantasy.
Professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Paul McHugh, even spoke out about the practice regarding such young children when he called it abuse, “like performing liposuction on an anorexic child.”
Tommy’s parents have recently announced that they are now calling their son Tammy. Since receiving the injections of GnRH inhibitors at the mere age of 11, they are welcoming their “daughter” with open arms.
It is truly disgusting to transparently see what is happening here—warping their own son’s mind into thinking that he is really, just like them–a woman. And what do you want to bet that he’s going to turn out to be a lesbian? This couldn’t be due to the fact that he’s really a heterosexual and naturally attracted to women—noooo. That would be too easy, he’s not only a girl, but a lesbian too, what a coinkydink.