Author Topic: Bulgarian Christians take it to the streets to protest Muslims. 'Bout damn time.  (Read 488 times)

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Offline KevinWhiteman

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Bulgarian Christians take it to the streets to protest Muslims.

'Bout damn time...

Offline serbian army

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Greeks are way smarter than other Christian nations in the Balkans. They kicked out every single Muslim after the fall of Ottoman Empire. Unlike the Serbs who wrote many songs begging the enemy to stay:



Stay here! … The sun of strangers’ sky
Won’t warm you like this one does
Bitter are the bites of bread over there
Where there’s no one close and no brother.

From their own mother, who will find better?
And your mother is this land
Look around at the karst* and the fields
Everywhere are the graves of your grandfathers.

For this land, they were great ones*
Bright models, that knew how to defend it
In this land, you stay too
Give the spring of your blood for it.

Like a deserted branch, when autumn’s wings
rip off her leaves and slash her with ice,
Without you your motherland would be
And mother cries for her child.

Don’t let tear to fall from her eye,
Come back to her in her sacred arms;
Live for the chance you could die
On the silent field where glory awaits for you!

Here everyone knows you and loves you
And there, no one will know you,
Our own karsts are better even bare
Then the flower fields where stranger walks.

Here everyone shakes your hand like a brother
In strangers world absynth* blooms for you
For this karsts everything, everything ties you:
Name and language, brotherhood, sacred blood

Stay here! … The sun of strangers’ sky
Won’t warm you like this one does.
Bitter are the bites of bread over there
Where there’s no one close and no brother

Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,