Just last week I was informing a friend of mine about the level of anti-jewish propaganda which the German Nazi propaganda arm generated. The publication of 'Der Sturmer' was especially vile in its portrayal of Jews.
What is beyond coincidence is that in todays news it appears the anti-Jew view of the german people has not changed. In a publication which just came out this week a Jew, namely Zuckerberg of Facebook, was portrayed as a crooked-nosed Jewish octopus (just as Jews were portrayed 70 years ago)...
First the original anti-Jewish propaganda from der sturmer:
!The Jew is our misfortune!
NOW compare what I posted above to this cartoon just published this week in a leading germ-man publication:
Tell me that you don't see the antisemitism just oozing from that cartoon. The hooked-nosed octopus Jew just as he was portrayed 70 years ago by the cursed nazi bastards.
This shows how far germany has come, doesn't it?