Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

My First Trip to Serbia!

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--- Quote from: mosquewatch on September 08, 2007, 07:35:55 PM ---MARINO ,

When you post the pics, I'd like to copy them and make a slide show for you, and if you have any video would you send it too me ? I'd put some music behind it what ever you like and send it too you.


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sure jeff, sounds good...


--- Quote from: newman on September 08, 2007, 07:16:55 PM ---Welcome back, Marino!

--- End quote ---
Thanks Newman... I'm glad to see you're back as well. ;D

Thank you all,
 The trip was alright... I actually visited 7 countries(Serbia,Romania,Croatia,Slovenia,Austria,germany,Belgium) and so it was a bit exhausting but I'm glad I did it!

Glad to see you back... hope to see more of you on the forum!

Welcome back Marino.  I'd love to see your pics especially of Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.  I made the point of taking a few months and touring with a longtime friend but sadly on our 3rd day in Germany he passed away from, what many beleive because they autopsy was flawed, a heart attack.  I plan to continue one day...


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