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Salam - I am Iranian
Hello everybody
I am Iranian and muslim.
This is my country :
I'm a christian but I'm also an Iranian too. Welcome to the forum!
We will give america a severe defeat? everyone look at that video he posted.
And no you won't. Your nation was only a great kingdom when it was aryan-controlled. Now its controlled by arabs and all your great persians follow an arabian savage religion. Hell, its your country not mine. so if you don't want to take my advice about islam then thats okay. Have fun being second-hand citizens to arabians.
So what brings you here, Ayatollah?
hi Cyrizian.
@Xgamer , we don't have a racial vision of the humanity in Iran.
We never say "I don't like this person because he is x or y".
In fact, in Iran, if we see a "subhuman" (as the westerners say), we help him.
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