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Salam - I am Iranian
--- Quote from: newman on August 05, 2007, 12:36:35 AM ---So you just surrender your national pride and culture to arab will?
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The arabs represent 10 % of the muslim world. Islam is universal.
--- Quote from: Cyrizian on August 05, 2007, 12:43:18 AM ---True but Norooz is a part of US! If an American gave up Thanksgiving it would be like giving up a part of his culture! Thinking that Islam is better for us than our own culture is Taazi thinking! Nothing should take the place of our culture! This is what Islam does! It destroys our traditions and our history! You are already becoming more of a tribalistic muslim barbarian the more you follow that crazed desert lunatic muhammed. Our great father Cyrus would be grieved if he could see the state of affairs in Iran today...
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You make me laugh :laugh:
"Our grate father Cyrus"... lol
--- Quote from: Xgamer on August 05, 2007, 12:26:53 AM ---dont' you feel bd what happened to your zoroastrian ancestors? ripped away from their native religion and put under arabian religious rule?
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No, I don't feel bad. Most of them decided to become muslim when they saw the vertue and justice of the muslims.
Joe Schmo:
Great to have you here, Ayatollah! :)
--- Quote from: Ayatollah on August 05, 2007, 12:53:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: Xgamer on August 05, 2007, 12:26:53 AM ---dont' you feel bd what happened to your zoroastrian ancestors? ripped away from their native religion and put under arabian religious rule?
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No, I don't feel bad. Most of them decided to become muslim when they saw the vertue and justice of the muslims.
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Your a nice guy but that's the second stupidest thing I've ever heard. Islam came to persians via the sword and with fear and terror. Persians 'decided' nothing other than to stay alive.
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