The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

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--- Quote from: MasterWolf1 on October 22, 2006, 08:21:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: jdl4ever on October 22, 2006, 08:10:22 PM ---I don't think this thread is a good idea since it does more harm than good.  It only infuriates the Muslims which is not good,.

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Since when Muslims are not infuriated?

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You are correct.  However the not religous muslims living in the US may get infuriated; normally the non religous muslims hate everyone secretly but it doesn't go past hate but if you infuriate them they may get violent.  I have a few muslim acquantances and if they see this they will no longer be an acquantance (not that I really care but I am trying to make them hate jews less by being friendly to them).

The thing many of you don't understand is that a lot of muslims living in western society are not as extreme as those living in muslim countries (meaning they are not true muslims since they don't follow the koran's advice to kill the nonbelievers).  Although, don't get me wrong, they still hate jews and christians but they won't act on it and pretend to be friendly on the outside.   It is these people you have to be careful about since they can be swayed in either direction at the drop of a hat.

Christian Zionist:

muslims hate Jews and Christians for WHO we are and not for what we DO.

Please look at this muslim forum about JTF.

muslims are use the weekness of liberals in Jews and Christians to invade the West.  They like groups like Anti-Defamation League and Preysbetarian Church USA.

In this forum we need to show strenght that we reject the message of islam.  The great ex-muslim Ali Sina who runs says muslims need to be ridiculed and he believes in the power of ridicule!


--- Quote from: Yochanan Zev on October 11, 2006, 02:16:50 PM ---And you have the choice to decide whether or not to take the higher road.  So much for being a light among nations.

If your only purpose as an antagonizer is to antagonize, then why would you expect then to react differently.  The fact is that many right wing Jews find racism to be funny, just as long as it isn't against them.

Have you seen the Jewish comic, "The Amazing Racist"?

I bet you guys find that stuff funny.  If it were a non-jew making similar tasteless jokes about Jews, Abe Foxman and the ADL would be on the front page of the New York Times whining accusations of antisemetism.  What makes you think you can hold other people accountable for the misdeeds of their race when Jews will not hold their own accountable for misdeeds against others?

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Oh!!  abe foxman is upset over dennis prager


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