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 am unsure weather i should be a member of this forum
Am looking for somewhere where i can learn about  the Jewish religion  am not sure if this forum has info about being Jewish   .... if anyone know of some place  i can get help for this id be grateful
also i tried google but didnt get anywhere

Welcome to our forum.

We have several members here who would be happy to answer questions for you.

Thank you
i know very little about Jewish people  i know of the Holocaust and the evil of the Nazis
i know a little about Passover from films like the ten commandments and prince of Egypt  but av never looked that far into it
I started to become interested in Judaism from the films prince of Egypt  made me angry at the way Jewish people where treated   
Then i saw Schindler list made me even more angry
i dont understand how anyone can do that  to another human being  if i feel this angry about i cant imagine how those who lost love ones to this
the first thing id like to ask is where do i start  is there anything i need to do to become Jewish ?
all my family are Christians and may not be happy about me  changing  my faith
but my husband is supportive
I am vegetarian  but  am not sure if that is allowed in Judaism  ?
I Know need to learn a lot
Id like to learn more about the Jewish faith and the Jewish people

Israel Chai:

--- Quote from: Ella on April 06, 2014, 03:18:11 PM ---Thank you
i know very little about Jewish people  i know of the Holocaust and the evil of the Nazis
i know a little about Passover from films like the ten commandments and prince of Egypt  but av never looked that far into it
I started to become interested in Judaism from the films prince of Egypt  made me angry at the way Jewish people where treated   
Then i saw Schindler list made me even more angry
i dont understand how anyone can do that  to another human being  if i feel this angry about i cant imagine how those who lost love ones to this
the first thing id like to ask is where do i start  is there anything i need to do to become Jewish ?
all my family are Christians and may not be happy about me  changing  my faith
but my husband is supportive
I am vegetarian  but  am not sure if that is allowed in Judaism  ?
I Know need to learn a lot
Id like to learn more about the Jewish faith and the Jewish people

--- End quote ---

Hi. I was born Jewish, but came out of your religion to make teshuva and become a religious Jews. You can find information on Judaism on the Torah and Jewish idea section, and then ask questions. Vegetarianism is allowed, but there are certain mitzvot where we have to eat meat, like the passover lamb.

Finally, I don't recommend you don't become Jewish. You don't need the headache. Unlike the "new" testament, Judaism never says you go to hell if you don't follow it, and it never says you'll become a better person if you convert. If you keep the 7 laws of Noah, which every righteous person before there were any Jews kept, you are guaranteed a place in the world to come, and you don't have to give money to anyone or do a lot of commandments that we do. I recommend watching the three previous shows, with an exiting 3rd one with a famous, and especially righteous Noahide all Jews are commanded to respect, on this website . Judaism is a really big amount of work that you don't need to take on yourself, because there's risks, but the laws of Noah you can keep right now without having to change the way your live very much.

Yes, your family will not be happy that you leave that religion, because according to the book, the reason you're here on earth is to believe a story that you can't prove, and if you don't you go to hell and are tortured forever. You can find more about where that idea really originates from in some of the shows I just linked to (and try to download them to watch, works perfectly).

Ephraim Ben Noach:
Wow! Welcome, you brought up a lot of things we have been talking about lately. ..


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