Save Western Civilization > Save America
Kitat Konenut New York
Jew-Tang Clan:
Hi guys, happy Passover. I'm brand spanking new to the forum. I must admit that I've registered for a specific topic, but I'm glad to see theres a forum like this out there. The topic I registered for is Kitat Konenut New York. I saw a topic on this from a while back, so I thought I would start a new one. Have they gone quiet? Their website is down, and I haven't bothered calling the phone number left on the topic, but it seems to me there's nothing new about them. Any members here, any one with connections? It's interested me greatly, and I would love to see if they still have training camps.
White Israelite:
Most of the old jdl camps got shutdown I think for paramilitary activity. Not sure if there same thing happened in this case, I have heard of the group your referring to and I noticed their site is also down, I'm not going to speculate.
Jew-Tang Clan:
Thanks for the reply. I'll try to find out more, I'll post it here or in some other topic if I find anything.
Israel Chai:
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