Author Topic: Rav Hillel Lieberman,ZT"L,murdered by sand-nazis defending Joseph's Tomb Sept200  (Read 1275 times)

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Offline StarNfist

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Wisdom of Hillel

Once upon a time, some years ago, we walked from Shechem homeward to Elon Moreh. Passing Kever Yosef, Tomb of Joseph, a biblical patriarch. Hillel exhaled a chestful of air and exclaimed: “Avrom, look how beautiful the Land of Israel is!” I looked around & smiled to myself: rusted car hulks filling archeological digs, air filled with a stench of a burning municipal dump, piles of garbage from arab sweatshops…
But such a man was Hillel… Land of Israel was beautiful.  Hillel was a Torah scholar, a dreamer, and an idealist… A true son of Rav Kahane, an active member of our local Kach chapter.
Eighteen years later, on Shabbat morning, 8th of Tishrei, 1st of October 2000, Hillel was walking back the same route from Elon Moreh to Kever Yosef. Arab riots broke out all over Israel. Israeli Army cowardly abandoned its post on the Holy site. Mob of arab terrorists was breaking down the Tomb, burning the seforim of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva where Hillel was a mashgiyah. Oslo War had begun.
He walked alone, unarmed. He had to persuade a godless mob to stop desecrating grave of Joseph, whose body Jews carried on their shoulders from Egypt thousands of years ago.
Hillel’s brutally tortured body, ridded with bullets, was found a few days later.
Murder was never investigated; arab terrorist murderers are still at large. Yet, we know well who are the murderers of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d. Hillel’s murderers are the paranoid arab nationalism and the violent mohammedian superstition. The sand-nazis. They are the bloodstained murderers who pulled the triggers.
But there are other murderers who actively participated in the crime. Guns and bullets used in Hillel’s murder came from the israeli army stockpiles. They were given to arab terrorists by the treacherous Rabin’s regime. Rabin & his leftist-liberal henchmen are murderers of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L.
And there are more. For many decades, american & european governments flirted and appeased arab nationalism & islam. “Legitimate rights of the palestinian people”, “Palestinian state”, “courageous palestinian freedom-fighters”. We remember well these lines from New York Times & Chicago Tribune, mouthpieces of various administrations. Legitimize rights of arab thieves on Jewish Land. Turn Israel into another Czechoslovakia. They forget that appeasement of german nationalism led to fall of France, near collapse of England & destruction of american navy at Pearl Harbor.
HaKodosh Baruh Hu rules history. He makes fun of arrogant scheming “world leaders”. September 11th, two-front war America fights, terror in London & Spain are direct & logical results of their misguided policies. State Department, White House, Downing Street along with other governmental institutions are accomplices in the murder of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d.
And there are more. Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, is a scion of a prominent American Jewish family. His father is a distinguished Rav of an orthodox shul in Great Neck, NY. Family has a cousin, Senator Joe Lieberman, who at the time of Hillel’s murder was a running vise-presidential candidate. Senator Joe Lieberman is an orthodox Jew. Modern orthodox, that is.
Reporter: “Senator, is that true that you have an Israeli settler cousin who was recently murdered by an arab mob?” Senator Joe Lieberman, to save an embarrassment and a fear of antagonizing arab vote answered: “I’ve got no such cousin.”
Joe got no such cousin.
Ahavat Israel is a fundamental idea of Torah Judaism. Cursed is a generation that ignored pleas of Holocaust victims. Yet their sons had to go to war after Pearl Harbor. Blessed are those who helped free Soviet Jews. American Jews could do it, if they wanted to.
Where were American Jews in September 2000 when Oslo War broke out & Jewish State stood on the brink of collapse? Where were all those who so vocally advocated the “Peace Process”? Were they there to comfort the victims of their “peace”? Did they try to help and comfort Yael and seven little orphans? Over a thousand Jews murdered & ten thousand wounded as a result of “Oslo Peace”.
Ahavat Israel. G-d commanded us to care about our brothers. Many in America call themselves “rabbi” or “jewish community leader”. Yet few real Rabbis & Leaders are there. Most “leaders” seek adoration and monetary gains. They defraud the Jewish Community.
But the most appalling are the clowns, dressed as rabbis. Ahavat Israel is not heard from them. They’ve got other concerns. They do nothing to help their brothers, fighting on the front lines.
Not only the gang of thieves & liars does not help, but some of them take part in persecutution of Jewish Patriots and activists. Since September 11th 2001, scores of American Jewish Patriots were quietly arrested and tried on trumped up charges. Irv Rubin, ZT’L, Hy’d, director of the Jewish Defense League, was murdered by the FBI.  To cover up, Jewish media tried to portray murder as a suicide. Most Jewish Patriotic organizations are placed on a terrorist list. Jewish Defense League is shut down. “Leaders” cheered! Everything possible is done to keep American Jewish voice down. Everything to build an Iron Curtain between Israel and the American Jews.
Crooked “rabbis” and “jewish leaders” are accomplices in the murder of Rabbi Hillel Lieberman, ZT’L, Hy’d.
Rabbi Hillel was a Holy man with a pure and noble soul. He taught well, but most people did not hear the voice of truth. Now, years after his death, his voice is heard by the whole world.
“…Holy Scroll is burned, but the letters fly in the air…”
Such is the wisdom of Hillel.

Online Joe Gutfeld

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Is Joseph's tomb of the same Joseph with the multicolored coat his father gave him?

Offline StarNfist

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Yes. Jews carried his bones from Egypt & buried Joseph in Shechem. In Sept. 2000 sand-nazis attacked the Tomb, Israeli Army run away & Hillel went to defend. They murdered him.

Online Joe Gutfeld

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I was wondering if it was the same one.