Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Ultimate Burning Question...

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As I learn more about Milosevic, the more I like him, but Marko_serb's answer does concern me.  However, fewer Muslims in the world make it that much better.

How did Milosevic betray other Serbs?


--- Quote from: genteelgentile on August 06, 2007, 07:49:45 PM ---As I learn more about Milosevic, the more I like him, but Marko_serb's answer does concern me.  However, fewer Muslims in the world make it that much better.

How did Milosevic betray other Serbs?

--- End quote ---

he didnt betray anyone.. he did all he could to protect all the serbs he could. imagine.. serbia was comitted "NOT GUILTY" of helping The bosnian serbs in srebrenica to kill there. but still he managed to help other serbs who needed help. he could not help ppl in kosovo,bosnia and RSK at the same time. there was simply not enough forces. BUT. he helped out with little JNA forces that was left. And the bosnian serbs did a good job in bosnia. we now have 49% of their country, and then there is the "Herceg-Bosna" state, which is croat. then there is very little space left for the muslims.

SO.. milosevic is imo a nice guy. who did all he could to protect the serb ppl..

and of course he was a communist? EVERYBODY in former yugoslavia was communist.. even your dad marko..

hmmm... very interesting!

Quote Was Milosevic a good guy or bad guy???

He got rid of people that would gladly do this, TO A BABY IN THE NAME OF JIHAD.

What's the problem ?

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
Ok here Im going to end the debate:P

1. Milosevic betrayed Krajina, Republika Srpska and Kosovo. If the bastard had some balls we would have probably won those wars.
2. Serbs don't like Milosevic, those that do are confused.
3. Just because we don't like him doesn't mean that we do not support him. If we would have prosecuted him in Serbia it would have been the end of him. but since the hauge bullshitcourt prosecuted him serbs stood up for their expresident. We are allowed to hate him not the rest of the world. We might have hated and talked negativly about him thats fine, but when someone else does it, oh no no.


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