Author Topic: Love Him or Hate Him?? Rucka Rucka Ali?? Jew Boy Video  (Read 938 times)

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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Love Him or Hate Him?? Rucka Rucka Ali?? Jew Boy Video
« on: April 29, 2014, 04:31:01 AM »
Just got done watching the Jew Boy video and laughing my behind off..  Seriously, I think this guy must have Jewish friends to be able to pull off a song like this..  I just think its the kinda funny Jeiwsh humor song that pokes fun of us in a good way.  Yeah, this guy Rucka Rucka Ali can be a serious d**chebag and definitely makes some insensitive videos that seem to put humor into the Holocaust..  Somehow, I don't think this whackjob has bad intentions, but I do think he is insensitive.  He seems to poke fun and just about everyone.   For example, he has a whole song where he insults redheaded people .  Then he has a video where he pokes fun of Asians, although I many Asian viewers on youtube seem to have found humor in his video, which also I guess falls under the category of good humor.    His redhead video easily is the most offensive..  Sorry redheaded people.

I originally was enjoying this guys Anti-Obama videos which are absolutely hilarious and perhaps some of the best political humor I've found..  His Anti-Obama videos are priceless, but then I saw he decided to make a compilation of Jewish videos poking fun at us..  Well, I just cannot help but enjoying his Jew Boy video.  His Anne Frank video is crap.. Not only not funny and makes him look like a moron, but insensitive.  His video "Without Jew" I thought I would hate, but the very German sounding Hitler talking about all the Jewish movie stars he will remove from the Earth, just ended up making me laugh. 

Anyhow, I'm posting links to the couple of funny Jewish song videos he did.  So, let me know , are these videos something we should love , hate , be indifferent.     This guy has some good potential, especially with the Obama videos.   

I just have to warn people about this guy, some will find his videos horribly offensive and you better have some real thick-skin when you watch them.. 

Jew Boy

Without Jew

His songs are about the most politically incorrect world.. This song he sings how it sucks being white.. He rags on black bigotry against whites..  Just watch

Joy To the WOrld - Qadaffi's Dead
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 04:56:49 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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