The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam


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Just wait until a bolt breaks off of the Ferris Wheel and drops a bunch of smelly rags all over the concrete from 100 feet up in the air.  One can only imagine the pandemonium when they jihad & tear the place down and kill all the carnies running the rides.  Maybe even rape some of the white girls running the concessions.  I'd love to be the person at the entrance gate; I'd give each one of the moon god worshippers a business card which reads "THANKS FOR GIVING JEW YOUR MONEY". 

hey Massuh, aftar you said this :
--- Quote ---Re:  "...please don't accuse me of being a Jew-hater. I just have a lot of questions to be answered...."

I agree....ask all of the questions you would like answered.  Just remember that this forum is open and that there well be some who jump to conclusions or are less than rational in their replies (just like you will find everywhere on this planet).  After all, we Jews are only human...
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when i confronted that Jew hating arab muslim "sisi_arab" aka "tough_american", after these words you've said, i actually believed you were leftish and naive about his real goals here in the forum. guess i should update my opinion about you ha?  ;)

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:

--- Quote from: jeffguy on August 23, 2006, 02:53:44 PM ---Ya... why no "Jew Day" as Six Flags with Jewish food and glow-in-the-dark yarmulkes with maps on them?

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actually thier is this NCSY thing every Pessah, but whateva, other ppl are also allowed to get in, and their was only 1 place in the park to buy kosher for passover food.

lets just encourage all to boycott six flaggs

I am not Jewish,, I hate Islam, Muslims, The Koran anything that has to do with this demonic cult.  The same cult that wishes Christians to be killed as well so cut the crap Muzzie your b.s. isn't flowing.


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