Author Topic: Polish Pig Anti-Semites  (Read 1031 times)

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Offline IsraelForever

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Offline Dan193

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 11:36:45 PM »
And America supported Poland in the cold war.
Poland has proven to be a Nazi country.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:32:29 AM by Dan193 »

Offline Nachus

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 11:53:01 PM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                                 :fist:

 Even the honorable Jan Karski's attempts to stop the onslaught of Polish Jews HaShem Yikom Damam
 during this most awful time in history was futile when the task was in the hands of the anti semitic
 "underground" that did virtually nothing in view of this tragedy and ultimately gave in to the nazis.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 09:21:39 AM »
oink oink

Offline Dan193

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2014, 10:33:56 AM »
If i was in that crowd, i would have been shouting More Katyn Katyn Katyn Katyn Katyn.
Stalin, Stalin, Stalin, Stalin

Offline Michael Schudrichs Fan

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 09:09:53 AM »
I feel ashamed for Polish Anti-Semites.  >:( But still, I assure you, that most (2/3 - 3/4 at least) people in Poland are not Anti-Semites.

Poland, for centuries being the main refuge of persecuted and massacred European Jews - became, historically, the main "incubator" for Askhenazi Jews. Vast majority of modern Askhenazi Jews in the worldwide scale, can trace their ancestors to Poland or to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

The fact is that without traditional Polish tolerance (what happened to it?), there would most certainly be no Askhenazi Jews in the world today.

Most of Jews from the United States of America and from Germany originated from Poland.

Jewish community in Germany - wiped out during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by Anti-Semitic expulsions organized by German mobs in the Holy Roman Empire - became restored following the Partitions, thanks to westward emigration of Jews from parts of Poland annexed by Prussia.

Also Jews in the Habsburg Empire - particularly Vienna - were those who came from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Some of them came following the Cossack and Haidamak Uprisings in Polish Ukraine (during which Polish nobility and magnates tried to protect Jews from Anti-Semitic local peasants, Cossacks and Haidamaks), but another wave came later, following the annexation of Southern Poland by Austria.

Russian Jews also originated from the PLC. Following the partitions, some of them migrated eastward. But later Tsars expelled them back to former Polish-Lithuanian territories, to the so called Pale of Settlement, which was entirely located in what had used to be the Commonwealth before the Partitions. When you look at the authorities of Israel around year 1948 - you will see that most of them were born in Poland.

Not all of them came after WW2. Already before WW2 there was immigration to the Holy Land by Polish Jews.

And the Ottoman Empire (including the Holy Land) became the main refuge for Sephardi and many other Jews.


But there is even more Antisemitism in other European countries than in Poland.

Here is what the Chief Rabbi of Poland - our dear Michael Schudrich - said:

"Poland on Antisemitic map of the world: in many countries it is much worse" - interview with Michael Schudrich:,polska-na-antysemickiej-mapie-swiata-rabin-schudrich-w-wielu-krajach-jest-o-wiele-gorzej

Translation to English:

- Today Poland is a European country and level of antisemitism here is similar, as in many others. But there are many countries, where it is much worse, for example France, England, Holland, Austria, Hungary, or Scandinavia. In fact, it is worse in almost every other country - asserts Michael Schudrich.


- Before WW2 antisemitism in Poland was gradually becoming worse and worse. And it became much worse during the 1930s, after the death of Marshal Joseph Pilsudski. This is a historical fact. But already 70 years have passed and many changes took place in Poland. The most important fact, which has led to these changes, were the teachings of Pope John Paul II - says Michael Schudrich. - During the last 2000 years John Paul II did more to fight against antisemitism than any other human. It was him who transformed the Catholic Church and entire Polish nation. Today antisemitism here is much, much smaller - asserts Chief Rabbi of Poland. We can see it also when comparing modern times to the past. In WW2 there were Poles who sacrificed their lifes to save Jews, but there were also szmalcowniks and collaborators.


- Poland today really has a much smaller level of antisemitism, than in the past and I'm convinced, that this is all precisely thanks to teachings of John Paul II - summs up the Rabbi.

Michael Schudrich:


The ones who are BIG Antisemites in Europe today are - traditionally - GERMANS (Pig "Germs"):

Almost 30% of Germans hate Jews:

There is a nice Polish song about this - "Zapierdol Faszystowskich Morderców" ("[censored] Destroy Fascist Murderers"):

Translation of lyrics:

They hate Jews and other nations
Fascism in Germany is being reborn again
Look at demonstrations in the middle of Berlin
These are fascists who want to take power again!


[censored] destroy fascist murderers
You don't want evil to spread around again
Break their formations, don't let yourself get delluded
You don't want them to take power!
No! Fascism no! Rascism no! Nationalism! No! No! No! No! Patriotism is OK!

Street protests, slogans, demonstrations
They shout that they want to "purify their race".
They want to start a great war.
They hate also You!


[censored] destroy fascist murderers
You don't want evil to spread around again
Break their ranks, don't let yourself get delluded
You don't want them to take power!
No! Fascism no! Rascism no! Nationalism! No! No! No! No! Patriotism is OK!

First they came for Jews and I was indifferent, because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for union members and I didn't say anything, because I wasn't a union member.
And then they came for me and nobody remained, who would be able to help me.


Check also my thread:,76146.0.html

Good documentary - "The Last Generation" - in links below:

Jewish ladies, Holocaust survivors, talking about WW2 (ladies speak Polish, English and German, there are also English subtitles):

Here is what a modern Jewish historian - David Solomon - said about Jews and Germ-any during one of his lectures:

"(...) The Shoah is not an isolated event. The project to exterminate the Jews of Germany happens here [pointing at the timeline of history], and here, and here, and here, and here, and here. And so people say - so why did Jews keep going back to Germany? Why did Jews keep going back? And I say - look at your own generation. Only half a century after the Holocaust, and what is the largest growing Jewish community in the world outside of Israel? It's Germany. And yet surely the lesson of this entire wall [pointing at the timeline of history] is that Jews should not be living in Germany. We hope and we pray... in the end of the day, in hundreds of years from now, I'm hoping that... well, if I'm starting to explain that more I'm gonna get further and further into problem, so I'm gonna stop, let's go back to history (...)"

Here is the lecture in question (and the excerpt I quoted above starts at 0:55:50 and ends at 0:57:10 of the video):

Germs probably have Anti-Semitism in their genes.

But Germs hate Polish Jews even more than their Jews in their own country!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 11:20:32 AM by Michael Schudrichs Fan »

Offline Michael Schudrichs Fan

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 09:14:21 AM »
So we should fix mistakes of history, and Poland, Israel and the USA should unite against German, Muslim and European Anti-Semitism.

Prof. Wolniewicz also thinks so:

"The Eastern Outpost of Western Civilization is the Jewish State of Israel. And it is under constant attack by that Eastern World which tries to invade us. (...) We should start really to support the State of Israel in its fight, because it is our Western Outpost in the East"

Says prof. Wolniewicz. I agree.


BTW, 4 members of my family were murdered by Nazi Germs. First person, wife of my grandfather, was killed in Auschwitz. Two more barely managed to return from Camps alive, but died of emaciation almost immediately after returning, and the last one was executed in Piasnica:

« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 09:46:03 AM by Michael Schudrichs Fan »

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Re: Polish Pig Anti-Semites
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 10:01:42 AM »

Many small Jewish children in Poland survived the Holocaust but didn't know about their Jewish past.

Often they survived hidden by Polish Catholic families, and were raised by those adoptive parents to become Catholics.

This case is hilarious (tragic, but hilarious):