Author Topic: Famous Iranian Singer Azam Ali (Niyaz Band) Advocates For a Fatwah Against Me  (Read 2383 times)

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Offline Every Jew AK47

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The singer Azam Ali has decided to advocate a Fatwah be put against me and shared my angry post to her on her FB page.. I have decided to share it on mine as I am actually humored by her post and the foolish and ignorant responses people have left me. Feel free anyone who knows me to defend me and the Jewish people. I will share her post on pro-Israel Jewish forums so that others can see the wage that this Iranian Nazi Azam Ali and her Niyaz band has waged on the Jewish people who she advocates should be wiped off the earth and "removed from Palestine".

She has removed many of my messages where I defended myself and decided to promote my comment to her condemning her for her fanatical blog posts where she advocates the Hamas Charter to wipe the Jews out in the Middle East..  Now, she has posted my FB profile on her FB fan page and calls out ot her Muslim brothers and sisters to condemn and hate me.. She removed all my comments where I defended myself , so I posted in the public post on my profile so that her Jew hating/Neo-Nazi fans can read it for myself..  Some of her fans have already hacked into my FB page and read my posts which were set as private.   They accuse me of being an evil gun-toting fanatic .. The sad part is how many self-hating JEws decided to join and contribute to the hate against me and the Jewish race and nation of Israel.

IF anyone wants to review the posts they can see for themselves..  She will remove any comments in my defense and only allow comments to incriminate me and make me look bad.  Many of her friends use Neturei Karta pictures as a means to prove what is a "Good Jew".  All I can say is it is truly sickening.

Many think of Azam Ali as a peaceful, kind-soul who produces exotic and beautiful Middle Eastern music.  They see her with her free flowing hair and think she is a liberal, open-minded person.  However, she is as fanatical as any other Muslim and despite being a liberal, new-age Muslim, she is promoting the extermination of all Jews/Non-Muslims from the Middle East.   She is using her peace, loving , liberal Muslim appearance as a way to deceive and fool people , especially with her music.  This woman is as fanatical and bent on genocide against the Jewish people as any Shia Mullah. 

Please take the time to review her FB page and see the unofficial Fatwah she has declared against me and the witch hunt she is now brewing.   I am thinking I should create a FB Fan page devoted to exposing Azam Ali for the evil, Anti-semitic witch she truly is.   

As of today, if you scroll down to her fan page and look at her second post is devoted to me..

I hope others will join in and post their messages of their feelings about this vile Iranian Neo Nazi/Anti-Semite..   She will read your messages , as she tends to her fan pages, herself.  Your messages will be deleted, but they will be read..   She also picks and chooses what from my posts that she wanted to repost, removing any material she feels will work against her. For example, in my hate mail to her I expressed how one million Muslims peacefully live in Israel , whereas very few or no religious minorities live in Muslim countries.  She decided to remove that part of my comment.  Obviously, she has an agenda, which is to demonize me and promote an Islamic Middle East!

Here are the original posts on her blog page that infuriated me to the point where I decided to write my inflamed posts against her.

  My posts seeped in deep to her to the point where she decided to share my FB profile on her page and call out, indirectly, for my death.  As typical of a liberal/Western Muslim, she plays the victim, but I take her sharing my FB page as a Fatwah, in itself; a call to let her Islamist friends for the death of a Jewish Zionist. 
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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A message from Azam Ali To Me:

Quote from: Azam Ali To Me
Dear Yonatan

Thank you for your 5 messages today which I was happy to share with world. You further game me strength to continue to stand up and speak out for those whose voices are silenced. History has proven that people who blindly place their religious and cultural identity before their humanity, become numb to the suffering of others. And becoming numb to the suffering of others is a trait of a psychopath.
The reason the world is currently spinning into chaos is because there are too many people like you, fanatic religious fundamentalists who cannot carry for even one minute an intelligent and reasonable dialogue with someone who has an opposing view.

It is very interesting to note that you will never find one word about my advocating violence and yet, your mindless words of aggression remind of the very Islamic fundamentalists you so despise. You actually have more in common than you realize.

A true Jew knows the true meaning of suffering and would never wish for the violent death of another human being. So call yourself a Jew if you like, but your words prove that you are actually just another psychopath who has found an ideology to hide behind in order to exert his aggression on others.

I wish you luck in having to live with yourself for the rest of your life
Azam Ali

My response back to her:
I didn't see your message uuntil now among all the other death threats and insults from your racist, neo-nazi fans that I would love to post on my facebook page first of all, I actually was enjoying your music and listening to it and becoming a fan myself. That was until I read your own fanatical, racist posts in which you were promoting the Hamas Charter to throw the Jews into the sea.  You were advocated for genocide against the Jews, saying that the Middle East must be rid of the Jews and falsely claiming that Jews are not native to the Middle East, but rahter claiming the Palestinian Arabs are the natives.  You overlook the fact that Jews have been in the Middle East for 1000s of years and many Arabs who now live in this land were settlers from far regions themselves, including many leaders of the PLO.

YOu are very biased and obviously hold deep hatred for Jewish people from your upbringing in the most Anti-Semitic country on the Earth, the nation of Iran.  You are totally wrong about me..  You obviously modified my original comments, removing the part where I explained that 1,000,000 Muslims live in Israel and have the same rights and freedoms as the Jews.. No, that didn't look good on your post where you needed to demonize the evil Jew to promote your cause to your fans.  The fact that the Jews were thrown out of their homes and that there is no Jews living in the Middle East in any Islamic country was another point you made sure to remove from my original comment.

You also then decided to remove my comments in my defense.. You say you want to play fair and promote dialouge?  Yet, you taper the comments to fit your own liking and remove my comments where I make my own case.  Is this dialogue?? This sounds like the type of dialogue that is familiar in your native country of Iran.. SIlence the opposition and be told only what yo uare suppose to hear.
You claim to not be a fanatic and to be open-minded, then why shut me up , remove my comments from the post?
You have an agenda and I know hatred of Jews seems to run rampant in your heart.

As for me I lived with Fulani Muslims in Ghana for an entire month and made good friends with them. They were friendly, open-minded and unlike, yourself, were willing to hear another side on the issue.    I have also had much admiration for Sufis over the generations, but your allegiance with Salafi Muslims is pure ignorance, considering you overlook the history of butchery Salafi sects like those followed by your beloved Palestinian friends follow.
The sad part is, if the Palestinians took control of Israel , a woman who appreciates her freedom to sing, express herself and not be forced into oppression and subject to religious theocrats would lose these freedoms under the fanatical regimes that rule the Palestinian people.     The Christians in Palestine, as we speak are being slaughtered.. There is almost no Christians in Bethlehem anymore as forced Islamic conversions have taken their toll.
Go ahead and keep demonizing me.. I am not the religious fanatic you claim I am and you even know this.. I am one of your ex-fans who felt crushed by your bigotry and blind hatred of my race.
*of my people

Kol Tuv, Yonatan
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This woman is so filled with hatred of herself that I see no hope for her.
Btw why do you say she's against your race?
There is no such thing as a Jewish race, only the Nazi's called Jews a race & no I'm not calling you a Nazi.
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

Offline Every Jew AK47

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This woman is so filled with hatred of herself that I see no hope for her.
Btw why do you say she's against your race?
There is no such thing as a Jewish race, only the Nazi's called Jews a race & no I'm not calling you a Nazi.

Because I F'd up. Did you not see my correction?  No not only nazis call Jews a race, a lot of Jews make this mistake.  Old habits die hard.  That was my one screw up in my conversation with her.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 01:27:00 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Not that my prayers are of great significance.... however, I will pray for God's will regarding this piece of filth, that it will be swift and harsh.

Is that the wrong approach? If so please tell me. I get very angry when it come to threats and/or bullying of fellow Jews and/or Christians.... or any other peaceful faiths.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Well, Azam Ali has decided to continue her attack on me and we are still conversing.. I was thinking by now she would just block me and stop messaging me, but she wants to continue to demonize me and prove her point about he evil and violent I and the other Zionists are.   Anyhow, I thought I would continue to post the conversation so people can see what she is promoting.  People don't realize, but this woman is an influential figure and people should know that she is brainwashing people on her political web pages and at our her concerts.   Her agenda is to have the Zionists (Israeli Jews) removed from the Middle East or to be under the authority and power of an Islamic Arab government.   This woman is like cancer to the Jewish people and the sad part is that many of the liberal Jews will also support her.  She tours the world with her music, which I always admired, but she uses her talent as a way to promote Anti-Semitism and Arab Nationalism rather than World Peace, as she falsely claims.

Anybody, who wants to contribute are put a word in for me and share your thoughts with this lady is encouraged.  She is a public figure with a very large fan base and popular singer and is known throughout the USA, Canada and The Middle East.

Quote from: Azam Ali
Dear Yonatan
PLEASE you need to just stop with all this anger and hate. Yes, I have stopped you from posting on my pages because there is so much hate and violence in your tone. A dialogue is a respectful one but if you are going to post that you would be happy if I get stoned to death, then that is not dialogue.

For your information, I have not even grown up in Iran. I grew up in India and as a matter of fact some of my closest friends whom I love and respect are Jewish. What I am totally against is the ideology of Zionism. This does not make me anti-semetic.

You are also posting lies which I will not tolerate. Please go back and read my post again and if what you say is true I would like for you to highlight the sections where you claim I wrote about "promoting the Hamas Charter to throw the Jews into the sea and that I advocated for genocide against the Jews and the Middle East must be rid of the Jews"

If you can actually show me those sections in my writing, then you have a point. But you will not find because it does not exisit. Only in your angry mind.

Please go in peace. I wish you all the best in your life and congratulate you for all the good you have done. I have no hard feelings towards you but just ask that you stop your messages of hatred and violence towards me.

My response back to her:
Shalom Azam,
You are acting like quite the drama queen.. Of course, that is needed to help promote your agenda to demonize the evil Zionists (Pro-Israel Jews) and, of course, to denigrate myself. 

In fact, I never advocated violence towards you or even wanted you to be hurt..  You probably could not understand my humor telling you to go to Gaza and risk being stoned to death.   In fact, we Jews are not like Arabs/Islamic fanatics who rejoice and celebrate the death of Jewish children or the death of our enemies.  We do not celebrate the death of Arab/Islamic children as the Arab people celebrated when their martyr massacred the 8 dead children you see on my profile picture.  The man who butchered those children peacefully studying at school was called a "hero".  If an Israeli shoots a Palestinian child, he is not called a hero and even his own people would look down on him.  The Israeli army is the most humane in the Middle East. 

Those barbaric Palestinians (I speak of the culture, not every single person) people you call victims launch rockets from schools, hospitals and other civilian sites.  They will shoot dead their own people, accusing them of being spies for any little reason.

These people you call victims oppress non-Muslim minorities, gays, women and even mentally retarded people.   THe reason I told you to go to Gaza was because it was so ironic a woman who rejoices at the freedom  she has in Canada will support a country where women are treated as sub-human, forced to wear veils , killed because they marry the wrong man or will not marry a man they are commanded to marry.   Many suicide female bombers from Palestinian areas are women who were raped by their own people and told that killing themselves would be a form of redemption for their "impurity".  What was their crime?  Being a woman..   However, you , who live safely in a non-Islamic country.  Israel just happens to be the one country in the Middle East where women have more freedom than any other.  A woman in Israel , whether Jew or Muslim has the law to protect them against rape , honor killings and not forced into marriages and servitude.

It sounds to me like you don't really care about women, non-Islamic minorities.. Israel is a sanctuary for women, religious minorities , homosexual people, etc.   

Until you replace the original comment you omitted from my post where I stated that 1,000,000 Muslims live peacefully in Israel, whereas 1,000,000 Jews were forcefully thrown out of their homes in the MIddle East and forced to flee to Israel, I know there is no more such thing as dialogue with you.  You are just hear to demonize the evil Jew..  Had you included that comment, your argument would hold less water.  Not that many of the ravaging Anti-Semitic/Jew-hating indoctrinated fans you have would care about any such reasoning.

You also must know the difference with me being angry at your bigotry and one-sidedness on the issue.  Obviously , you are a Muslim and will join the side of who you believe to be your "people".  But, I ask you to open your mind and think a moment.  Take a little time to see the other side of the issue and not run to your emotions and impulsiveness.

I have not threatened you, but you have posted my profile on your fan page and now I am receiving racist insults and threats by your fans..  We Jews are small in number, but we have a voice.  I am sharing your fan page and blog with many Jewish organizations and also the vile and racist insults from your fans.  Anti-Semitism by public figures never goes unnoticed to the Jewish people.   

You are a public figure, I am nobody.   You are not taking the liberal approach of "Two-State Solution".  Rather, you are writing in your posts about the Jews being invaders.  You refer to 60% of Jews on this earth as Zionists. That is Israelis.  Somehow, Arab Nationalism and Domination is acceptable, but Jewish nationalism is consider racism and Zionism.   Of course, you want us to go back to Europe , where we are being massacred by Muslims as we speak.  Did you not read about the murders of 4 Jews at the Jewish Museum in Brussels by a Muslim or the school shooting by a Palestinian in Toulouse, France? 

You cry so much about the innocent Palestinians, but make no mention of Fatah and Hamas massacring each other, Black September or the massacres in Syria.  Or what about the Shias murdering Sunnis on pilgrimages?    Your Persian people have killed many Arabs.. What about all the Arabs you massacred in the Iraqi war??  Somehow, when Arab children are killed by your own people it is considered acceptable, but Jews defending their homes, schools, workplaces, cities is considered murdering innocent children?

I know you probably don't care, but before you demand the Jews leave "Palestine" watch this video about the Mizrachi Jews, 1,000,000 of them forced to flee their homes in the Islamic countries they lived for generations.  Israel was their only refuge..  Do you think they will leave Israel and go back to their native Arab countries so they can be butchered???

If you need a refresher, here is where you posted how the Jews should have never existed in Israel.. Of course, using Mahatma Gandhi is a means to justify the "Hamas Charter" of a Jew-Free Palestine:

Quote from: Azam Ali's BlogSpot
Quoting Gandhi: My love, admiration and immeasurable respect for Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of non-violent struggle against imperialism, is no secret. Gandhi had great sympathy for the persecution of the Jews, yet he was always politically and religiously against imposing a Jewish national home on the Palestinians. In an article published in the Harijan in 1938 he expressed his views very clearly on this issue and I find it to be some of the most profound words ever expressed on this subject.

Another statement of how Jews don't belong in Israel:
Quote from: Azam Ali's Blogspot
Quoting Gandhi: " My sympathy does not blind me to the requirements for justice. Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any code of conduct. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews as their national home. "
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 05:26:36 PM by EveryJewA44 »
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Quote from: Azam Ali
Shalom Yonatan
Thank you for proving to me my point. The only statements you sent to me from my blog were by Gahdhi. You seem to be a very angry man and for some reason you have turned all your anger towards me which is sad, but I cannot change the mind of someone who is so full of hatred and anger.

You know what the saddest part about all your anger towards me is? That I actually come from a Baha'i family and am not even a muslim. How ironic is that? You should really be ashamed of yourself. Now, once again, I will ask you to please stop and if you really want to show what a great Jew you are, spend your energy on positive things and stop writing to me. It is no problem for me that you are not my fan. But it is a problem for me when you have tons of photos of guns on your page, you blatantly say that all Iranians are Nazis and then you post on my page that me being stoned to death would be a favor to the world because there would be one less Jew hater.

god bless you and goodbye

My response to her, FINAL RESPONSE, As I am done wasting my time with her:
I was done writing to you..  You decided to engage in a confrontation with me..  You message me your fair share of false accusations and insults then tell me to stop writing you.. Haa, funny.. I stopped writing you after my initial comments to you on your fan page..

Is there something wrong with having guns for self-defense?  Your beloved Palestinian people have guns and murder Jewish children with them. . My guns are for self-defense and to protect the lives of innocent people.. I would defend the life of any innocent child, even a Muslim..

You're a Baha'i? Wow, what a traitor you are..  You are welcome for the fact that those Israeli Zionist Jews saved your people from extinction from your Muslim friends.. WHat a two-faced person you are..  If it was not for Israelis the Shias and/or Arabs would have wiped out every last one of you Baha'i..   

As a Baha'i, I really encourage you to go to Gaza/West Bank now!!!   There you can really appreciate the tolerance of the kind , open-minded and peaceful Palestinian people... 

My next humanitarian trip will be to India..   I want to help Indian children, widows, orphans like I did in Africa..   

BTW.. I love the people of India very much..  Hindustan Zindabad!  BTW.. I love India's new PM, Modi Ji!  Narendra Modi Bahut Accha Hai!!   

If you stop messaging me, I will stop messaging you. .  I have better things to do in my life..

Goodbye Mrs. Azam Ali
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