For the shame, the dishonour, the disgrace, the idiocy &
the Chillul of volunteering over Yehuda & Shomron in to the hand of the Ishmaelites, Yair Lapid has now joined his father Tommy, on the rapidly lengthening list of Israelis who have lost their
cheilek in Olam Haba!
Lapid: If even one settlement is annexed, we’ll topple the government
Lapid threatens to bring down gov't that annexes West Bank,7340,L-4528139,00.htmlLapid Slams Annexation Plan, Calls for Resumption of Talks
What would be good is if Pipi dumped Lapid and his party of miscreants, malfeasants and reprobates, & replaced them with the Haredim & Shas: Lapid would fly in to the biggest conniption
of all time!!