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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Kerry will not take US-Iran military cooperation option off the table
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2014, 03:23:14 PM »
I am for destroying all the Muslims..  However, if the Shias gain the upper hand, they are the most fanatical neighbors Israel will have and ones who are closest to developing a nuclear weapon.   I don't want to see the Shia empire on Israel's borders.  Obviously, a fanatical Al Qaeda Sunni sect ruling Egypt and Jordan would be as grave of a threat.. The only benefit I could see of a Fanatically controlled the Jordan is that Israel would have an excuse to invade Jordan and reclaim the land, as Jordan, IMO, is part of the land of Israel.  The  Arabs should be kicked out of Jordan , as it was the English who handed this land to the Arabs, not Hashem.

What I want is the Sunnis and Shias to engage in a war over Iraq, as both factions claim it as their holy land and I am willing to bet they would slaughter millions of each other if they can fighting over it.. The Iran -Iraq War was a good testament to this case.   Personally, I think there is nothing better for Israel than for Sunnis and Shias to engage in a holy war against each other.  They will be so consumed by their fighting  that it will give Israel the time it needs to mobilize for an invasion to destroy the SHia regime altogether, once Iran's resources are weaken.  Also, if Al Qaeda is engaged in a holy war against the Shia, it will also be too preoccupied to mobilize itself against Israel. 

Anyway, this is my vision.  It appears Obama Hussein is going to try to aid the Shia to overthrow the Sunnis, including Al Qaeda..  The USA and most of Europe have always been supportive of the Shia and seemed to overlook them becoming a fanatical, theocratic ruled nuclear armed power with a lot of oil resources.  All the attention has been to fighting and killing Al Qaeda, which is good, but not in exchange for a powerful fanatical Persian empire.

They don't need your help to kill each other. All you can do by supporting either or is get them to blame you, meaning they will join together over killing others, and when they've had enough of that they will kill each other. They only thing we need to give anyone is a couple bunker buster missiles to Iran delivered express, and after the mudrats can be safely left to their own vices.
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