Author Topic: Israeli killed on Passover was murdered by Palestinian freed in Shalit deal  (Read 4507 times)

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Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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I'm confident the JTF admins will review your posts and review mine and ban your neo-nazi a $ $ ...

Anyhow, this is my last post until you're gone..  I see you have no remorse for your actions.

Go ahead you Jew-hating goy and have fun trashing Kahanist Jews here, insulting them.. Hashem will deal with arrogant scum like you...   I know you probably have an agenda though.. You are mostly definitely a Stromfront guy.   I have seen many of your likes come here, get popular with your posts and then start fights among Jewish people to fulfill your agenda.  You are not so dumb, but actually quite clever.   Nice use of Hebrew fonts..
You're the one who supported Isis, and now the Palestinian murder!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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You're the one who supported Isis, and now the Palestinian murder!

Whatever..  Have fun Heinrich or whatever your StørmFrønt ID is..

I don't support ISIS or Iran (unlike yourself)..  What I wanted , but your degenerate brain couldn't comprehend, was the Shia and Sunni to go to war and that is exactly what is happening.  I want ISIS to be destroyed along with all the other Islamic fanatics on the earth.  You are either extremely simple-minded and juvenile or just trying to disparage me and sow hatred and discord among Jewish brothers here. 

Calling a Jew a Nazi is the greatest form of Lashon Hara a person can do, especially on a Jewish Nationalist /Kahanist website..  How is it we JEws are so fast to condemn another Jew for committing Lashon Hara against a Jew, but allow goyim like Efraim to run their vile hatred against Jews so freely?? Why does he get a free pass? Why  are we Jews so self-hating in the name of having goyim allies?

Seriously, why you haven't been booted for speaking Lashon Hara against a Jewish Kahanist here, calling him a Goy, a Nazi , etc is beyond me.. I  don't know why you have been allowed on this forum for so long.

 I definitely know you are not a Noachide, as every NOachide I have met has been respectful and kind to Jewish people and is sensitive in their speech, especially on Jewish forum.  No Noachide would ever behave like a degenerate piece of Nazi trailer park trash like yourself.

Anyhow, that is all the more reason for me to leave.  So go and celebrate your Yetzer Hara, you Jew hater.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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HEY DICK! I never called you Goy...
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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HEY DICK! I never called you Goy...

You have a very short term memory.. Then again, considering your lack of intellience in your posts and belligerence, it doesn't surprise me.

WHAT? NAZI!  You are not a Jew!

Telling a Jew he is a Nazi and IS NOT A JEW (Goyim) is the greatest form of lashon hara you can make against any Jew.   I really hope you are banned from this forum for so boldly trashing Jewish members here calling them Nazis and Non-Jews or Goyim. 

Like I said, I cannot keep posting and being a member while people like you go and attack Jews on this Kahanist Forum.

I was in the middle of trying to expose a Palestinian /Jew-hating activist attending synagogues in my area until your Stromfront troll a $ $ decided to start trouble with me and unlesahing all your lashon hara on me.

Good work!  Keep it up!! Your Aryan brothers would be proud.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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I apologize EveryJewA44. I just don't understand your way of thinking.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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I apologize EveryJewA44. I just don't understand your way of thinking.

I don't want to fight with you..  I want to accept your apology.

However, this is not the first thread you attacked me.  I don't know why you constantly are attacking a Jewish brother here.. Yeah, maybe I will post topics that some disagree with, but to lash out on a Jew screaming he is Not a Jew, calling him a Nazi is very tormenting.  This is a Kahanist Jewish forum and Jews need to feel safe here, not feel like their Jewishness and religion will be attacked every time they say something you may not agree with.   Seriously, if you don't like what I say, you should consider more constructive arguments than insulting my Jewishness or referring to me as a Nazi.  The Nazis murdered all my relatives in my grandmother's village of Shchedrin, Belarus.  To call me a Nazi is almost an unforgivable sin in my book.. However, for the sake of unity I rather the two of us be on the same side than bicker and fight with each other.  I hope you can understand the sensitivities of the statements you are making to me.

As far as me,  I am hoping this can be my place of refuge. With all the liberalism, anti-Israel and Anti-SEmitic crap I must deal with on a daily basis, I hope I don't have to deal with it here.

Also, I think most people understand I make controversial statements, but I do so for the greater good.  My statement about letting ISIS fight Iran may have upset some people.  However, I hope people know, whether or not I am wrong, my intentions are for the best of Israel and the Jewish people..     If a person is so shallow that they immediately scream NAZI or GOYIM every time somebody tries to make a single statement here that people do not agree with, the JTF forum will cease to exist.  I know as of now, even I do not feel so comfortable posting here anymore.    I hope I can continue posting without being attacked and find brothers/sisters here.  I really need the support of a good Jewish community and hope the JTF is the place, because it is  a struggle in this day and age. 

I respect Righteous Gentiles , but I hope they can respect this is a "Jewish" forum and watch the type of INSULTS they will make to Jewish people..   My grandmother who survived the pogroms and whose village were wiped out in the Shoah would put her claws into any person who called her grandson  a Nazi. 

I want to be friends with all Jews and Righteous Gentile people here...   If you have a problem with me, please be civil.. I am open to dialogue.. If you are going to lash out on me, call me bad names, well don't expect me to take it lightly.  I have enough to deal with day to day with Jew haters and Muslims.   Sometimes, I feel it is more than I can bear.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 01:25:30 AM by EveryJewA44 »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Whoa whoa whoa why are we attacking each other like this? JTFers are not the enemy!!!

The enemy (besides the Amalekite Arab Nazis) is, in order:

--the Judenrat kapo Israeli Nazi regime
--the secular, amoral, godless Israeli public that cares more about sodomite rights, what the world thinks of them, and cheap illegal alien labor than the survival of their own children
--the circa 80% of American Jewry that fanatically supports the most evil people in America and everywhere else on planet earth so long as they believe in butchering babies, confiscating guns, and marriage for sodomites

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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I apologize guy's for blowing up.

I can't get over his support of terrorists that killed and kill our people. Then when I read his first sentence " We shouldn't punish the Palestinian freed who murdered the Israeli, " I didn't even read the rest. I just lost it! I'm sorry I call him a Nazi.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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I apologize guy's for blowing up.

I can't get over his support of terrorists that killed and kill our people. Then when I read his first sentence " We shouldn't punish the Palestinian freed who murdered the Israeli, " I didn't even read the rest. I just lost it! I'm sorry I call him a Nazi.
You know what he was trying to say. An animal will do what its instinct dictates. The average Israelis that support surrender and treason for political appearances to the world and "snivel rights" for Fakestinians because they are bleeding-hearts are the real ones with blood on their hands.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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I apologize guy's for blowing up.

I can't get over his support of terrorists that killed and kill our people. Then when I read his first sentence " We shouldn't punish the Palestinian freed who murdered the Israeli, " I didn't even read the rest. I just lost it! I'm sorry I call him a Nazi.

I don't support terrorists..   Anyhow, I am done posting here on JTF while ignorant fools like you trash on people like me and make your juvenile insults.

So much for your half ass bullsh*t apology..   

You seem to just lack intelligence ..  Anyhow, it isn't worth me posting on JTF anymore with simple-minded fools coming here and trashing Jews, especially goyim ones.

Go ahead and promote your lies about me, about how I support terrorists..   I was promoting the same thing as CHaim did in his JTF videos, about not fighting the SUnnis, including ISIS and allowing the Sunnis and Shias to fight each other.,76544.0.html

But, you  are just too airheaded to figure out the points I am making and rather make war with me, which somehow makes you feel more dignified.  I know this is probably fun for you and you get some type of kicks about trashing on people, especially a Jewish person.  Maybe, somebody mistreated you down the line and now you are out for revenge and just start fights with the first person you can online.    I don't know your reasoning but you are nothing but a trouble maker in my eyes and I don't believe you're a Noachide, because Noachides don't go trashing on fellow Jews.   You cannot just go blindly screaming at Jeiwsh people calling them Nazis or calling them goyim.. Sooner or later you will get your reward.

I still say you should be banned from this forum for starting fights with people..  Anyhow, I will take the high road and leave JTF while you are still a poster here..

I am done getting in more scuffles with this guy Efraim, so I will be the one who leaves and I will let this guy go on his rants and attacking other Jews with his bullsh*t, letting him lash out with lashon hara , calling Jews , Nazis , Goyim..  Even though I think non-Jews should be allowed on this Jewish forum and be part of the community, they shouldn't be allowed to do this.. There should be ZERO TOLERANCE for these type of insults.

Anybody who has come to my Facebook page will know I am not a terrorist lover and I don't care what some twit behind a computer screen is going to say about me.  I have more important things in life to do then battle with some goyim with a 3rd grade education.

Chaim has great videos and I support his cause. I cannot think of ever seeing a video by Chaim I didn't agree with or didn't like.  His videos I will even be posting on my FB page now as I think they are extremely valuable.   Sadly, Chaim's JTF forum has gone straight to hell thanks to some juvenile trouble makers and lack of moderation.  Hopefully, one day, when my Hebrew improves, I can join HaYamin which I think will be a better forum and I won't have to deal with juvenile shm*cks like Efraim who act like little kids yelling Nazi and telling Jews they are not Jewish all the time.

So, Goodbye For Now.. I was hoping this would be a good community for a fellow Kahanist Jew, but trolls like Efraim have to go and do their dirty work.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 02:54:47 PM by EveryJewA44 »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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I don't support terrorists..   Anyhow, I am done posting here on JTF while ignorant fools like you trash on people like me and make your juvenile insults.

So much for your half ass bullsh*t apology..   

You seem to just lack intelligence ..  Anyhow, it isn't worth me posting on JTF anymore with simple-minded fools coming here and trashing Jews, especially goyim ones.

Go ahead and promote your lies about me, about how I support terrorists..   I was promoting the same thing as CHaim did in his JTF videos, about not fighting the SUnnis, including ISIS and allowing the Sunnis and Shias to fight each other.,76544.0.html

But, you  are just too airheaded to figure out the points I am making and rather make war with me, which somehow makes you feel more dignified.  I know this is probably fun for you and you get some type of kicks about trashing on people, especially a Jewish person.  Maybe, somebody mistreated you down the line and now you are out for revenge and just start fights with the first person you can online.    I don't know your reasoning but you are nothing but a trouble maker in my eyes and I don't believe you're a Noachide, because Noachides don't go trashing on fellow Jews.   You cannot just go blindly screaming at Jeiwsh people calling them Nazis or calling them goyim.. Sooner or later you will get your reward.

I still say you should be banned from this forum for starting fights with people..  Anyhow, I will take the high road and leave JTF while you are still a poster here..

I am done getting in more scuffles with this guy Efraim, so I will be the one who leaves and I will let this guy go on his rants and attacking other Jews with his bullsh*t, letting him lash out with lashon hara , calling Jews , Nazis , Goyim..  Even though I think non-Jews should be allowed on this Jewish forum and be part of the community, they shouldn't be allowed to do this.. There should be ZERO TOLERANCE for these type of insults.

Anybody who has come to my Facebook page will know I am not a terrorist lover and I don't care what some twit behind a computer screen is going to say about me.  I have more important things in life to do then battle with some goyim with a 3rd grade education.

Chaim has great videos and I support his cause. I cannot think of ever seeing a video by Chaim I didn't agree with or didn't like.  His videos I will even be posting on my FB page now as I think they are extremely valuable.   Sadly, Chaim's JTF forum has gone straight to hell thanks to some juvenile trouble makers and lack of moderation.  Hopefully, one day, when my Hebrew improves, I can join HaYamin which I think will be a better forum and I won't have to deal with juvenile shm*cks like Efraim who act like little kids yelling Nazi and telling Jews they are not Jewish all the time.

So, Goodbye For Now.. I was hoping this would be a good community for a fellow Kahanist Jew, but trolls like Efraim have to go and do their dirty work.
I'm sorry for being a jerk.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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I'm sorry for being a jerk.

The Jewish people are under attack and I need help to unite with my people to fight the tyranny that we face.. Please STOP BEING AN OBSTACLE for me to help unite with my Jewish brothers/sisters here on JTF..   If you hate me, take it up with the moderators and stop trashing all my posts and referring to me as a Non-Jew or a Nazi..   You keep apologizing and then start attempting to tear me apart and insult me as soon as you make your apologies.   Is this apology actually sincere?  Or, will you just go off again and start ranting whenever I make another post about how I am a terrorist , a Non-Jew and a Nazi, etc etc...

I would like to request that JTF has a specific English sub-forum on the JTF site for Jewish members only, so that at least if I and other Jews who are in dire need, like I am now, for support can have a place to go for refuge.  It would be something like a Chavurah (not like Chavurah movement) and a place were Jews can come together and talk as a family.  It can help server as a little online community center for Jews that they may not have where they currently live.  A place they can feel secure to share ideas and not be attacked, insulted or face ethnic intimidation.  The Serbians have a sub-forum devoted to themselves and feel united there.  I think American Jews should have a place too.  HaYamin obviously is a great refuge and community for Israeli Jewish Kahanists/Zionists.

As of now, there is a Palestinian Freedom Fighter, Jacob, who is infiltrating my local synagogues and has won the hearts and minds of the people in my local community.  I am trying my best to stand up against this person and his movement and asking for help, but with Efraim constantly tearing me down and insulting me whenever he feels the urge, I can no longer post here and feel threatened.

Efraim, if you think what I write is bad or against the Kahanist movement or Judaism then you should seek the moderators rather than hijacking and trashing all the threads I post on..  Jewish lives are in jeopardy and having a food fight with you only contributes to the demise of the Jewish people.  Many of the moderators and other members here have read my posts and don't agree with you and have supported me, so why not accept?  Constantly insulting and attacking other members  and starting fights does not help this forum, Jewish people or the Kahanist movement.

I've been looking for JDL forums to join, but they are few and far between.  I seriously need an outlet.  Where I live there is not many Jews and even less Kahanist/Zionist minded Jews..  So, online forums are my last refuge. However, if I am insulted, belittled and tormented on here, then this forum is essentially dead for me and other Jews in my situation.

Considering, the sensitivities of the issues I am facing, I would hope there is a section where Jewish members can post without risk being attacked by outsiders who may not understand the sensitivities that Jewish people have, such as name calling or racial/ethnic insults.     I really respect the Righteous Gentile members here, but think there should be a spot reserved for Jewish members, because many Jews, like me, no longer have a synagogue or community to attend and do not have access to gather and communicate with other Jews, because they were dismissed from their synagogue for standing up against Jew-haters present in the congregation.

I would love to stay here, but cannot feel like I will have my ethnicity and religion insulted each time I say something somebody may think is wrong.  It's one thing if a person is trolling and obviously promoting bigotry or blatantly promoting evil causes on the forum, it's another thing for someone to take a single sentence or statement from one post and scream out at them they are a Nazi, Non-Jew , Self-Hater, etc..  This is very hurtful to Jewish people and I am hoping Anti-Semitism will not be part of the JTF.  Because, in this world, there is not many places where diligent Nationalistic/Zionistic Jews have to go where they can find refuge.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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EJA44, I completely agree with you. You are not in the wrong.
Ephraim, I know you are a good guy and not a troll, but you really went crazy for no reason.

Offline Rational Jew

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Wipe all the [censored] Muslim vermin off the face of the Earth!
Jew or Gentile, Black or White - Against Islam we must unite!

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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The Jewish people are under attack and I need help to unite with my people to fight the tyranny that we face.. Please STOP BEING AN OBSTACLE for me to help unite with my Jewish brothers/sisters here on JTF..   If you hate me, take it up with the moderators and stop trashing all my posts and referring to me as a Non-Jew or a Nazi..   You keep apologizing and then start attempting to tear me apart and insult me as soon as you make your apologies.   Is this apology actually sincere?  Or, will you just go off again and start ranting whenever I make another post about how I am a terrorist , a Non-Jew and a Nazi, etc etc...

I would like to request that JTF has a specific English sub-forum on the JTF site for Jewish members only, so that at least if I and other Jews who are in dire need, like I am now, for support can have a place to go for refuge.  It would be something like a Chavurah (not like Chavurah movement) and a place were Jews can come together and talk as a family.  It can help server as a little online community center for Jews that they may not have where they currently live.  A place they can feel secure to share ideas and not be attacked, insulted or face ethnic intimidation.  The Serbians have a sub-forum devoted to themselves and feel united there.  I think American Jews should have a place too.  HaYamin obviously is a great refuge and community for Israeli Jewish Kahanists/Zionists.

As of now, there is a Palestinian Freedom Fighter, Jacob, who is infiltrating my local synagogues and has won the hearts and minds of the people in my local community.  I am trying my best to stand up against this person and his movement and asking for help, but with Efraim constantly tearing me down and insulting me whenever he feels the urge, I can no longer post here and feel threatened.

Efraim, if you think what I write is bad or against the Kahanist movement or Judaism then you should seek the moderators rather than hijacking and trashing all the threads I post on..  Jewish lives are in jeopardy and having a food fight with you only contributes to the demise of the Jewish people.  Many of the moderators and other members here have read my posts and don't agree with you and have supported me, so why not accept?  Constantly insulting and attacking other members  and starting fights does not help this forum, Jewish people or the Kahanist movement.

I've been looking for JDL forums to join, but they are few and far between.  I seriously need an outlet.  Where I live there is not many Jews and even less Kahanist/Zionist minded Jews..  So, online forums are my last refuge. However, if I am insulted, belittled and tormented on here, then this forum is essentially dead for me and other Jews in my situation.

Considering, the sensitivities of the issues I am facing, I would hope there is a section where Jewish members can post without risk being attacked by outsiders who may not understand the sensitivities that Jewish people have, such as name calling or racial/ethnic insults.     I really respect the Righteous Gentile members here, but think there should be a spot reserved for Jewish members, because many Jews, like me, no longer have a synagogue or community to attend and do not have access to gather and communicate with other Jews, because they were dismissed from their synagogue for standing up against Jew-haters present in the congregation.

I would love to stay here, but cannot feel like I will have my ethnicity and religion insulted each time I say something somebody may think is wrong.  It's one thing if a person is trolling and obviously promoting bigotry or blatantly promoting evil causes on the forum, it's another thing for someone to take a single sentence or statement from one post and scream out at them they are a Nazi, Non-Jew , Self-Hater, etc..  This is very hurtful to Jewish people and I am hoping Anti-Semitism will not be part of the JTF.  Because, in this world, there is not many places where diligent Nationalistic/Zionistic Jews have to go where they can find refuge.

I said I was sorry. I admit I was wrong, in this thread. I only called you a Nazi Goy once... You don't need to quit posting here, I need a break anyway, and will not talk to you anymore.

Btw, as far as I know, most American Goyim are circumcised.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.