I couldn't have said it better myself, Chaim. There is plenty of blame to go around here. One thing that would dramatically decrease these instances of animalistic terrorism from the Arabs, would be if an Arab is caught doing terrorism, or if an Arab is caught murdering a Jew, there should be a public trial, and if he is found guilty, he should be publicly executed. And that execution should be broadcast to every television and radio in Judea and Samaria and Gaza.
I've lost any respect I've had for Netanyahu, but one thing he did say stuck with me: He said "The Arabs don't respect power, they worship it." If we release Arab criminals then we're going to get more dead Israelis. It's that simple. On the other hand, if an Arab watching TV sees the hanging of another Arab, he will get the message that Israel is serious. Maybe then he would thing twice before killing a Jew.
And even though I'm confident that what I'm saying will work, I know it will never happen while these cowards are running the country.