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Baruch HaShem, 4 New Videos From Chaim (8/10)
(What Ever Happened To Roni The Nazi?)
(Israel's Education Ministry: We're Sorry The Jews Survived)
(Muslim Barack Obama Wants To Meet Our Terrorist Enemies)
(Hillary Condemns Obama For Saying Same Thing She Said)
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I'll add something. Islamic fundamentalists regimes (Iran, Taliban, etc) advocate worldwide Islamic revolution. Simply the fact that you are not a Muslim, is enough for them to hate you.
Not only do they want to roll over Israel, they want to come for America too.
Everyone much listen to the video "What Ever Happened To Roni The Nazi?"
--- Quote from: Dexter on August 11, 2007, 12:48:44 AM ---Everyone much listen to the video "What Ever Happened To Roni The Nazi?"
--- End quote ---
Never cross JTF...
Look at the comment from Deen 21 is that Roni, it's on the Hillary video
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