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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Simchat Torah, October 15.

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I always wanted to ask chaim that - regarding puting ASK JTF especially, onto MP3 format,  so that it could be burnt onto CDs etc which can NOT be done in RealPlayer as I understand it. TODAH RABAH

Chaim, you commented before on the arrogant communist leader Hugo Chavez coming to the UN and spouting off about president Bush and America. I'm sure you know that Chavez attended in a gathering in Harlem, NY, where he was greeted by a crowd made of mostly blacks and some hispanics and was roundly cheered and loved when he repeated the same anti-American comments. He was invited by black celebrities like Danny Glover as well as the church's "minister".

My question is, what is America coming to when this is allowed to take place? Chavez is an enemy of America allowed to speak on American soil? And realistically can be done about these black and hispanic animals who openly cheer those calling for the death of America? When will America wake up and do something about these beasts?

Thanks as always for answering our questions.

Shalom Chaim,

Last week I didn't get a chance to word the question properly. Just to clarify I believe that Jews are a religio-nation. We are a people united by our faith and by our land.

In NY state what firearms can I legally possess? What are the limitations? Are gun-control laws in this state so pervasive that I can't acquire a firearm?

I want one for my own self-protection. Nothing more, nothing less.

By the way the only curse the blacks bear is the curse of ignorance and stupidity. And they have this inverted Midas touch. Everything they touch they destroy.

And THEY'RE IN ISRAEL TOO! I'm not talking about the Falashamura's who's Judaism is suspect, but the black Hebros who in no way whatsoever have any tangible connection to the Jewish people. I yearn for the day when the Kahanists take power or until the Messiah comes.

One more thing, if I send out a letter marked "ATTN: Chaim" could I possibly get a response?

Kol tuv.

Hello Chaim,

Outstanding job with the forum questions as always.  This week I was wondering if you could clarify the Jewish position on end times prophecy.  What does the Bible or Talmud say about the end times?  What events are supposed to transpire especially relating to the Jewish people?  Do you see the signs that this time may be near, one where Israel G-d willing will be restored to all its glory?  Finally, on a much lighter note, time permitting, I was wondering what Chaim Ben Pesach does to unwind and relax?  I know most of your time is taken up with the cause, but when you do have some free moments during the week how do you spend the time?  I'm guessing exercise is a part of your daily routine (as it is mine) given your healthy lifestyle.  Do you belong to a gym?  Speaking of which, I was thinking about handing out some JTF fliers at my gym.  Do you think this would be worth it or should I simply concentrate my efforts on online forums?  I do have some other ideas I would like to share in the coming weeks.  Again, thanks so much for taking the time to answer all our questions.  Have a great week.  Be well.



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