Author Topic: Jacob Rosenblum, Palestinian Resistance Fighter, Enemy/Infiltrator of Israel  (Read 5993 times)

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Offline Sveta

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Please, I encourage you to tell him this!!   I am encouraging people to share their feelings with Jacob on his Facebook page.

The more people who share with him their feelings about what he is doing, the more likely he will feel the heat and re-think about using Chabad as his means to spread his Anti-Israel/Reconciliation/Palestinian Nationalist poison.

He makes me sick! People like him make me sick. Vicious anti-Israel haters! I'll see what I can do. We have to be tactical. One thing is if we can expose him in person. Online it's different, a worm like him who cowers would just report anyone who sends him messages as "harassment" and it's not worth it while dealing a coward like him.

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To answer your questions about lashon hara and to publicly embarrass someone in public. This is a big problem. You can't see someone at an event and tell them in public "get out, you're not welcomed here" for various reasons. To humiliate someone in public is akin to murder. Unless someone is a well known rasha, I don't foresee any shul getting to that point. The rabbi would be extremely concerned about the question of humiliating the person or other outcomes.
I can only think that if there is a shul event and some messianics come in and start preaching, they will be told to get out. If it's someone who the rabbi and others perceive to be a frum Jew, they may not want to kick the person out publicly. In this case, it should be done tactfully. Expose the person and probably have it be done in private. I have heard instances of a persons actually getting kicked out from a shul but they get a letter from the president or get called by phone or into a private meeting.

To explain the implications, there is a Gemara that says: “A person should cast himself into a furnace of fire rather than publicly humiliate his fellow.” and in the Torah, one of the mitzvot says that while you can rebuke a fellow "ou shall not bear upon him a sin" meaning that when you rebuke someone and the person deserved the rebuke, at the same time one must not do so in a way that will humiliate him. But then you get into the technicalities of "how many people present make it public humiliation".

To speak lashon hara, motzi shem ra and rechilut is to also kill a person, and even more than one person is harmed by it. It is the person speaking it, the people hearing it and the person it is spoken against. Very big problem and the easiest one to fall for.  The Chofetz Chaim in his Shimras Haloshon gave the specifics on all situations in which lashon hara should not be said or avoided. He points out the problems, implications of this serious problem.

However, the Chofetz Chaim DID specify when lashon hara is permitted! Yes, in some instances it is permitted and that is when a person is evil and is causing great harm to Klal Yisrael. If someone is an immediate danger to the community, then it is permitted to speak lashon hara on them. There are some specifics, however, that one must try to refute the person. If the person does not change then the community must be warned. I believe, however, the last prohibition is that we are not supposed to enjoy it. It should not be pleasurable to speak ill of someone, it should be out of a necessity to warn to community.
Even though you are right about this Jacob character, and since he is an enemy of Israel so it is technically permitted for you to expose him without having to worry about lashon does not mean that other people will hear you out. With the laws of lashon hara hanging over our heads, many people just completely close their ears and will refuse to listen to something negative about a fellow Jew, even if it's the truth. That is why it's important to be tactical about it.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Heres the latest post from Rabbi Avremi of my FORMER CHabad which he shared from another FB page on his main page... After seeing his mindset and mourning the death and demanding the punishment of the Jews who murdered this "INNOCENT" Arab, I can see why he is so adamant in defending the traitor in my synagogue Jacob Rosenblum, who with his work with Arabs in West Bank/Gaza has helped bring about the murder of many innocent Jews.

Quote from: Rabbi Avremi's Facebook Page
The murder of Muhammed AbuKhedir is a disgusting and heinous crime, against an innocent child. There can be no ifs, buts or justification. The perpetrators of the crime are a stain on Israeli society. But they are not Israel, the real Israel is the one that condemned the crime, politicians, journalist, general society. The Israel I know takes no joy in the murder of innocents, there is no gloating or celebration.
This was an evil act and I hope that these thugs and murders and punished to the full extent of the law. And yes many will say but the Arabs are doing this and doing that, yes true. But these are not out values, these are not the values of the State of Israel, a country where I as a Muslim feel at home, safe and secure. A nation that seeks peace, seeks not allow the hatred of it's enemies define who it is. I just hope and pray this insanity stops, that those who use the memory of murdered child to incite and cause more death and destruction stop or are stopped before causing more pain. We all bleed the same, what defines us is who we treat the wounds that make us bleed. Pray for peace in Jerusalem

I know it's a lost cause to probably have Jacob Rosenblum booted.. But still working on contacting CHabad HQ and other agencies. I  wonder if Chabad rabbis have the chutzpah to stand up against other Chabad rabbis.

I am devoting my efforts, that will be in vain, to the three murdered Jewish children, who people like Jacob Rosenblum and many other traitors like him, help murder.

My response to Rabbi Avremi, which will most likely result in me being blocked from his page:
Quote from: My Response
So these people who murdered an "INNOCENT" Arab child are not really Israel, but the traitor at your synagogue, Jacob Rosenblum, who helped Arabs murder innocent Jews, is considered "ISRAEL"?  This same guy was in Chevron befriending, drinking tea  and eating food with the murderers who butchered our three Jewish boys.  These same boys could have been your own children.   This man help aid and abet terrorists and criminals who contributed to the violence and murder of innocent Jewish people.  Yet, somehow, he is considered a "REAL JEW" and is part of "ISRAEL".  Even though his entire mission in life is to destroy Am Yisra'el, which he claims is the nation of the Apartheid and Enemy.    How are these murderers of an Arab, who may even grow upt to be a terrorist to murder Jewish children, any worse than the terrorist who sits at your own Shabbat table?

Jews and Arabs don't bleed the same blood. Arab blood means nothing and they are happy to shed blood for their psychotic religion and propaganda.  They use their own children as human shields.  Every Jew is sacred to Am Yisrael and if these people were NOT going around butchering our children and imprisoning us in our own country there would have been no retaliatory murder.  What a myopic view of the situation.  With all the demonizing of Israel, Jewish people and the calls for extermination of the Jews by the Arabs, why be so sympathetic to these people?    These very people who would celebrate and rejoice in the mass murder of all the Jewish people, as advocated by their founding father, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin Al-Husseini!
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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And, Rabbi Avremi decided to delete my comments.. I guess I am just a heartless bastard, aren't I?  How dare I refuse to mourn for a murdered Palestinian, not condemn these evil Jewish murderers and at the same time slander a great Jewish member of ISRAEL, Jacob Rosenblum.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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And, Rabbi Avremi decided to delete my comments.. I guess I am just a heartless bastard, aren't I?  How dare I refuse to mourn for a murdered Palestinian, not condemn these evil Jewish murderers and at the same time slander a great Jewish member of ISRAEL, Jacob Rosenblum.

That rabbi is a fool at best. YOu are entirely in the right. It astounds me how the Jewish people is so sick that we mourn over the death of our enemies. It just disgusts me.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline Dr. Dan

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The kidnapping of the Jewish teens brought the best out of the Jews. After their deaths, it brought the worst out of the Jews. And I'm not talking about the ones who ellegedally killed the Arab.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Every Jew AK47

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The kidnapping of the Jewish teens brought the best out of the Jews. After their deaths, it brought the worst out of the Jews. And I'm not talking about the ones who ellegedally killed the Arab.

I've been checking out Rabbi Avremi's page day after day now..  He keeps posting more and more posts mourning for the death of the POOR, INNOCENT ARAB Mohammad Abu Khdeir..    He insists the men who did htis are FAKE JEWS, but the Jew hater, Jacob Rosenblum, who is devoted to destroying Israel and aids the Arabs in their fight against the "Apartheid" is a friend of Rabbi Avremi and considered a "TRUE JEW".

All I have to say is I am utterly disgusted that Chabad lets a man who first allows traitors in his synagogue, but then sits and mourns the death of our enemy more than even the deaths of our own fellow Jews.  His beloved Mohammad Abu Khdeir, would never had been murdered if these vicious Hamas/Fatah savages didn't kidnap, torture and murder our Jewish boys.

His profile is  upsetting..

I suppose the rabbi is posting a reference from from another Rabbi who also is in mourning over the death of the "INNOCENT" Arab.

Perhaps, the Chabad as a whole is taking the position to support the dead Arab, since his death was at the hands of Jews??   I know Jews, as a whole , support pacifism over vigilance .  I always thought many Jewish people would have been great followers of Gandhi who advocated passive resistance rather than the more Kahanist style of vigilance and pro-active defense.    Aside the fact that Gandhi hated the Jews and loved the Arabs, I would say that his passive resistance theories would result in the complete obliteration of the Jewish people as we know it in the face of a barbaric enemy who seeks no end to our decimation and eradication from this Earth.

I think Pacifism will sooner or later be to the detriment of the Jewish people as a whole.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I have Facebook friends who think the Arab kid is innocent. I posted how he supported the murder of the three Jews and people accused my Facebook friend of having hateful friends. People said I was spreading hateful lies.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Jacob Rosenblum's good friend Mansour Mansour is now actively a Hamas member and supporting Hamas..    The Rabbi at the synagogue who is allowing this guy to attend is putting the lives of innocent Jewish people at risk, by letting this Hamas supporter, Rosenblum, attend the synagogue and infiltrate the Jewish community.  It is obvious to me that Rosenblum is taking advantage of his "Jewish ethnicity" as a means to gather intelligence about Jewish community which he in turn then feeds to his Palestinian terrorist friends.  He, himself, wanted to go to Gaza on his birthright trip to help join the Gazan people against Israel.  It would not surprise me that Rosenblum would take up arms and massacre Jews in order to protect what he falsely calls "the indigenous Palestinian natives".
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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^How can this Monsour have a Facebook account if he lives in the US and is pro terrorists?
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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EveryJew, can you find out the names of his immediate family?  I for one would be curious to know what his parents think of his actions.  And if they don't approve, they might be able to shame their brat. 

Offline Every Jew AK47

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EveryJew, can you find out the names of his immediate family?  I for one would be curious to know what his parents think of his actions.  And if they don't approve, they might be able to shame their brat.

I do have the names of his family, they are all on his facebook page writing him messages and he even lists them..  I'd encourage people to contact his family members and share their views with them, as well.  As of now, his entire facebook profile is public.. Either he is hiding and not publishing stuff on FB or just doesn't write on his facebook too often.  He hasn't touched his FB page since his last post about a month ago.  He talks about his parents as being supportive of him and said they were typically very secular who didn't like him travelling to Israel and being involved with the "politics" there.  YOu can see it on the J-Street video he recorded that I linked to in my original post on the thread.

If anyone reads the memoirs of him which I published on my FB page as well as gave links to the original copies on his google groups account, you will see Mansour Mansour was one of his best friends and one of the people who facilitated his stays in West Bank.  Also, Mansour is one of the people who he works with in the Reconciliation Movement to bring Jews to the WEst Bank to stay with Palestinian families and be indoctrinated to hate Israel.

^How can this Monsour have a Facebook account if he lives in the US and is pro terrorists?
THere are a lot of terrorists living in this country and openly promoting the destruction of the USA and Israel.  That is the downside of having a Muslim for a President.  America is being infiltrated by Islamic tyrants and their supporters.   The BDS/ISM movement , which Jacob is a leading member, should be labelled as a terrorist group.

To answer your question directly Ephraim, Mansour is from East Jerusalem, so on his records, he probably is not listed as a "terrorist", but rather as an "Israeli Arab" or good Fatah Arab..  However, as you and I both know, Israeli Arabs and West Bank Arabs both are as wicked as Hamas and most of them support Hamas and the destruction of Israel and killing of Jews.  The three Jewish boys who were recently murdered, were murdered by Hamas operatives, like Mansour Mansour, in the Chevron area of the so-called "West Bank".
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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There was a guy in my old shul like this but he was a Satmar with knickers & white socks.
Most people including the rabbi dismissed his shtuyot & basically had the feeling what do you expect from a Satmar.