
Your thoughts on him flying to Israel to prove a point.

He is a Jewish hero. I will vote for him next time he runs for office
1 (5.6%)
He gained my respect for that action but won't vote for him and remains to be a type of Jewish fungus.
6 (33.3%)
Big deal. He's a self hating Jew
4 (22.2%)
Ysv to that kapo.
7 (38.9%)

Total Members Voted: 18

Author Topic: What do you think of Mike Bloomberg now?  (Read 5104 times)

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Re: What do you think of Mike Bloomberg now?
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2014, 09:27:51 AM »
I think he stinks like rotten fish.

Bloomberg grew testy when Blitzer followed up by asking if the department's decision was "political."

from article
"Don't be ridiculous. Why would you think that?" Bloomberg began, calling the question "an outrage."

"In the question you're implying that our government does things for political reasons and maybe every once in a while they do but it's your job to prove it. Just the allegation against our government I personally take as an offense," he said. "The tone of the question, of trying to create dissension, it's insulting to America."


Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.