Author Topic: Pastor Manning interviews Chaim Ben Pesach on the war in Gaza (new video)  (Read 2336 times)

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Our great friend, Pastor James David Manning, conducts another fascinating and timely interview with Chaim Ben Pesach of the Jewish Task Force (JTF).

In the interview, Chaim explains how JTF would solve the problem of Gaza and the Hamas Muslim terrorists once and for all. JTF promises the Jewish people that if we ever take power in Israel, we will quickly restore full security in the Holy Land.

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Offline Super Mentalita

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Great interview! ;)
''At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.''

Offline kyel

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Does Pastor Manning post your videos on his youtube? It would be great publicity since he has 41 million views on his Youtube channel.

Offline Israel Chai

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It's like another dimension to see this pastor talking this way. Truly a rare beautiful soul. As for Chaim, G-d willing you can become more and more famous.
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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This is one of the best interviews I've heard with Chaim and Pastor Manning.  The countdown to Armageddon began when Israel became a state in 1948.   So True....Chaim behind the microphone is powerful.  Words are important, truth is important, people are hungry for truth and doubt about it.     

Israel should not let her focus be clouded by the American government, whom God is against by the way, or any critics  who would weaken Israel by trying to shame them or make them feel guilty about defending their homeland.  This problem will never be solved in our time by man.....God put his name in Jerusalem, the allegiance should be to God, not to man or governments for they are extremely flawed.  Pastor Manning will be blessed for his acknowledgement of fairness, and understanding of history, and for supporting Israel as a sovereign nation and seeing the truth of the world which is becoming more evil by the day.  Israel is not guilty of the same crimes that Islam and Hamas are committing...the situation is speeding toward the biblical prophetic ending with God's hand intervening and solving this crisis.  There will be more wars and deaths, but those who acknowledge, obey, and come to the Lord in Faith and forgiveness are going to be saved.   Many of us know those tunnels should be destroyed regardless of a ceasefire, its essential for survival.

Revelation 7:3   144,000 sealed. "Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees  until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."  Then I heard the number of those from all the tribes of Israel.   Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, Benjamin, and Joseph.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Add Levi as one of the 12 Tribes also!

Offline chicagojew

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First great interview. But how come during that interview you didn't at all mention Pastor Manning's association with that anti-Semite Rudy Davis? If you have in fact ever mentioned it to Manning, perhaps in private, and supposedly said he disavowed him, he has yet to say it publically.

Offline Israel Chai

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First great interview. But how come during that interview you didn't at all mention Pastor Manning's association with that anti-Semite Rudy Davis? If you have in fact ever mentioned it to Manning, perhaps in private, and supposedly said he disavowed him, he has yet to say it publically.

He said he's not confronting his friend.
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Offline chicagojew

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I'm sure Chaim said he did ask Pastor Manning, but not confront him.  Unfortunately last weeks Ask JTF,  as well previous Ask JTFs are not archived. 

Anyways, I did yesterday call Pastor Manning's program, and told him that Rudy Davis's videos were very anti-Semetic, and he also said that Chaim never asked him wither in public or private about them.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I'm sure Chaim said he did ask Pastor Manning, but not confront him.  Unfortunately last weeks Ask JTF,  as well previous Ask JTFs are not archived. 

Anyways, I did yesterday call Pastor Manning's program, and told him that Rudy Davis's videos were very anti-Semetic, and he also said that Chaim never asked him wither in public or private about them.

They are archived. Just go to Chaim's profile and check his posts. The link to the audio file still works. Maybe Chaim can make a special section where all the Ask JTF threads are moved to after a week.;area=showposts;u=1143

Offline chicagojew

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Thank you Benjamin. I re-listened to that week's program, and at 45:50, and than again at about 46:05, Chaim said at both times that it was brought to Pastor Manning's attention. When I called up Pastor Manning on his program last Monday, he said he had no knowledge of Rudy Davis ever making any anti-Semetic videos, and that Chaim, or anyone else never mentioned it to him.    Someone is lying.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Thank you Benjamin. I re-listened to that week's program, and at 45:50, and than again at about 46:05, Chaim said at both times that it was brought to Pastor Manning's attention. When I called up Pastor Manning on his program last Monday, he said he had no knowledge of Rudy Davis ever making any anti-Semetic videos, and that Chaim, or anyone else never mentioned it to him.    Someone is lying.

Do you have a link to the program that you spoke to Pastor Manning on?

Offline chicagojew

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Thank you Benjamin. I re-listened to that week's program, and at 45:50, and than again at about 46:05, Chaim said at both times that it was brought to Pastor Manning's attention. When I called up Pastor Manning on his program last Monday, he said he had no knowledge of Rudy Davis ever making any anti-Semetic videos, and that Chaim, or anyone else never mentioned it to him.    Someone is lying.


By saying "Someone is lying", you are stating that either Pastor Manning or myself is a liar. I resent your offensive accusation. If you don't know the facts, you should not be throwing out insulting accusations.

I did not speak to Pastor Manning about this, but someone who is close to both the Pastor and myself did mention it to him. You met the person who mentioned it to Pastor Manning when you came to our meeting in New York. It may be that Pastor Manning doesn't remember the conversation. He speaks to hundreds of people every week and he may not remember every discussion that he has.

As far as your accusations are concerned, if you don't believe me, don't ask me.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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It is starting to look like CJ has an agenda.

Offline chicagojew

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Chaim, I am sorry about the misunderstanding. We both agree that Rudy Davis is a piece of trash anti-Semite, and Pastor Manning is a righteous gentile who loves Israel and the Jewish people. Sorry if appeared that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Please delete next weeks ask JTF post, because it dealt with this same thing, and you already answered it for me.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Chaim, I am sorry about the misunderstanding. We both agree that Rudy Davis is a piece of trash anti-Semite, and Pastor Manning is a righteous gentile who loves Israel and the Jewish people. Sorry if appeared that I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Please delete next weeks ask JTF post, because it dealt with this same thing, and you already answered it for me.


No problem, chicagojew. I deleted your question from Ask JTF which means you can ask another question if you wish.

G-d bless you.