Author Topic: Palestinian funeral director decides to become a martyr just as funeral begins!  (Read 880 times)

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Offline Ukrainian Jew

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These filth think nothing of slaughtering other human beings including each other. The death of Palestinian civilians is truly a terrible thing- which is why we should all encourage Palestinian terrorists to self-detonate away from large crowds of people.

Offline Manch

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These filth think nothing of slaughtering other human beings including each other. The death of Palestinian civilians is truly a terrible thing- which is why we should all encourage Palestinian terrorists to self-detonate away from large crowds of people.
There are few glaring inaccuracies in your statement.
1) There is no "palestinians" - there are arabs or palestinian arabs, if you will. 
2) Why would you proclaim that " The death of Palestinian civilians is truly a terrible thing"? If that is your position, a more accurate statement would be that the death of innocent arabs who don't harbor hatred or malicious attitudes towards Jews and Israel, is TRULY a terrible thing. And how many of those "innocents" are really in Gaza or in the ayrab world? 1%? Less?
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Ukrainian Jew

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1) You're right, I'm sorry for that, and I apologize. Usually I put "Palestinian" in quotations to refer to the Arabs since Jews are the real Palestinians. Sometimes I just get lazy.
2) I've said this before and I'll say it again, I always think it's a sad thing whenever civilians die. I have no problem with Israel defending itself- it's Arabs use their own people as human shields and that's unfortunate, and Israel should still defend itself. But I can't help feeling bad for the civilians who die as collateral damage (which is not Israel's fault). The difference between Jews and Muslims/Communists/Nazis is that we are civilized and don't butcher innocent people, even if they are on the enemy's side. As another member explained when we were having this conversation:
"Should the 60% of Americans who voted for Obama die?" I am always glad we don't sink to the Muslim level in intentionally killing civilians, however I do think there are times when Israel needs to defend itself and cannot because of the "international community".

Offline Manch

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Let me ask you, how much you sympathize with these "civilians"?

Please equate Americans voting for Obama with these monsters. Now, if Americans, about 98%-99% supported the views and elected David Duke to power, I am pretty sure that would equate them with the civilian monsters in the prior 2 videos.
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline Ukrainian Jew

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  • «Львівські Євреї – 700 років наполегливої.»
Let me ask you, how much you sympathize with these "civilians"?

Please equate Americans voting for Obama with these monsters. Now, if Americans, about 98%-99% supported the views and elected David Duke to power, I am pretty sure that would equate them with the civilian monsters in the prior 2 videos.
Many people are brainwashed by totalitarian ideologies from childhood, and that leads to the rise of evil. Obama supporters cheer for socialism and the downfall of the west, and support the spread of Islam, but that's because many of them are ignorant. "Palestinians" are brainwashed to hate Jews by their parents and Islam, and that's why they should be separated from Israel, and the new Palestinian state to be set up in Jordan when they leave Israel when there is a true Zionist government (hopefully soon), should be completely separated from Israel along with the rest of the Islamic world.

I remember that there was a Russian separatist woman in Torez, Ukraine who took make-up from the site of the Malaysian Airlines crash, and then smiled while taking pictures with it on. Now this creature is a disgusting subhuman, but people aren't calling for her death. I fill with rage when I see crowds of Muslims or Nazis or Communists rejoicing over the suffering of others, but I don't believe it is alright to harm anyone except for terrorists, and civilians who are used as human shields by such terrorists, who unfortunately sometimes will be harmed in order to protect one's own civilians and put an end to terrorism- exactly what Israel's doing.

Offline Ukrainian Jew

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  • «Львівські Євреї – 700 років наполегливої.»
But no, I don't Jews should start thinking of them as "friends", that's not what I'm saying, just to clarify.

Offline Super Mentalita

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I would not be a human being if i said i don't feel sorry for a Arab child that dies because of his evil parents/leaders. Not all the Arabs vote for Hamas and not all Arabs want to destory Israel, all do i think the majority likes to destroy Israel. I know who i support but that does'nt mean i like to see death children. Iam not a nazi.
''At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.''

Offline Ukrainian Jew

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  • «Львівські Євреї – 700 років наполегливої.»
I would not be a human being if i said i don't feel sorry for a Arab child that dies because of his evil parents/leaders. Not all the Arabs vote for Hamas and not all Arabs want to destory Israel, all do i think the majority likes to destroy Israel. I know who i support but that does'nt mean i like to see death children. Iam not a nazi.
As usual I agree 100%.