Author Topic: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+  (Read 23791 times)

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2014, 10:21:40 AM »
Those fuckers are the Sloboda party. Not all Ukrainians fought for the Nazis and not all Ukrainian nationalists were Nazi's.
Mahkno fought for Ukraine he chased out the Germans He chased out the czar and He fought the Bolsheviks, and He actually succeeded in Having a free Ukraine for a few years. Whats even better about Mahkno, all bolsevik slander aside he had Jew's in his army, he had Jewish Detachments in his army. Yet sloboda still chose the [censored] nazis
This is an understatement.
For nazis: a few hundred thousand , perhaps 300k thought and collaborated, mostly from Galicia
For the Red Army: over 7 million, 1.7m KIA. I.e, more Ukrainians died fighting nazis than Brits, Americans, French, Duth, Belgians combined.

Therefore, lumping all Ukrainians as nazis is myopic at best.
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #51 on: August 14, 2014, 10:50:00 AM »
Based on the map, it seems to me that there is just a Nazi section in Ukraine, with the majority of the population being simply anti-semetic, or just garden-style nazis.
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2014, 10:53:55 AM »

The Ukrainians and the Russians both massacred, raped and tortured millions of Jews for centuries. The Ukrainians and the Russians should kill each other as much as possible, beezrat Hashem (with G-d's help).

Any Jew who lives in Ukraine after all that they did is insane. Any Jew who defends the Ukrainian Nazi mass murdering pigs is self-hating. I am not interesting in debating your holocaust revisionism. Stay in Ukraine with the butchers of Babi Yar and the kozaks. Continue to intermarry with these jealous, drunken savages. But do not come on this Kahanist forum to whitewash their Nazi crimes.

A message to our Serb members who are always trying to come here to defend the Russian Jew-haters: We support Serbia because the Serbs did not murder Jews in the holocaust and the Serbs did fight bravely against the German Nazis. Also the enemies of the Serbs are the enemies of the Jews - the Croats, Albanians and Bosnians were always Nazi Jew-haters and they murdered 90,000 Yugoslav Jews during the holocaust. So we are pro-Serb. But we do not and will not support your Russian Jew-hating allies who have always sought to destroy the Jewish people and who to this day are doing everything possible to help Muslim Nazi Iran develop nuclear weapons. If you want our support, stop demanding that we support our Russian enemies even if they happen to be your allies.

What a sick generation we live in. This is what the plague of intermarriage does - it causes Jews to defend their Nazi murderers. But not on this forum.

Well said Chaim, I agree 100 %.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2014, 11:25:20 AM »
**The USA will become one of  the biggest and ugliest Jew hating nations.**

As for Russia, they have a horrid history of persecution and mass murdering of the Jewish people.  Actually, G-d did start severely punishing them for quite a few decades with Communism. 
They will turn on Israel in the future and G-d will take care of that.  I am positive of that, 100%.  Of course Chaim is correct..


Putin is not the leading perp in the Ukrainian FUBAR.

John McCain and his pals ARE.  Thats what this topic is, correct?

John McCain, Nuland, Sen Murphy, Pierre Omidyar (Ebay founder), Soros et al.. All included in on the awful situation in Ukraine:

Nuland grilled in Ukraine by Rohrbacher for supporting Nazis in Ukraine: (She is a Jew also, KOO KOO)

John McCain with Svoboda Party member Oleh Tyanbok, below:

USA Today Rieder: Pierre Omidyar's Ukrainian connection

It is AMERICA that put these Nazi bastards in charge of Ukraine. 
Which is why Jews are making Aliyah TO Israel from Ukraine.

The US Govt is one of the most evil governments in the world now because of the Muslim Commie, BHO
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 11:39:51 AM by AsheDina »
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2014, 01:02:47 PM »

The Ukrainians and the Russians both massacred, raped and tortured millions of Jews for centuries. The Ukrainians and the Russians should kill each other as much as possible, beezrat Hashem (with G-d's help).

Any Jew who lives in Ukraine after all that they did is insane. Any Jew who defends the Ukrainian Nazi mass murdering pigs is self-hating. I am not interesting in debating your holocaust revisionism. Stay in Ukraine with the butchers of Babi Yar and the kozaks. Continue to intermarry with these jealous, drunken savages. But do not come on this Kahanist forum to whitewash their Nazi crimes.

A message to our Serb members who are always trying to come here to defend the Russian Jew-haters: We support Serbia because the Serbs did not murder Jews in the holocaust and the Serbs did fight bravely against the German Nazis. Also the enemies of the Serbs are the enemies of the Jews - the Croats, Albanians and Bosnians were always Nazi Jew-haters and they murdered 90,000 Yugoslav Jews during the holocaust. So we are pro-Serb. But we do not and will not support your Russian Jew-hating allies who have always sought to destroy the Jewish people and who to this day are doing everything possible to help Muslim Nazi Iran develop nuclear weapons. If you want our support, stop demanding that we support our Russian enemies even if they happen to be your allies.

What a sick generation we live in. This is what the plague of intermarriage does - it causes Jews to defend their Nazi murderers. But not on this forum.
I refuse to intermarry, because I do not want to have the possibility of non-Jewish children. I have dealt with anti-semitism before, infrequently, but it has indeed happened. I don't defend Ukrainian Nazis, in fact I condemn them, it's just that I don't like it how some spread Russian propaganda that they're going to come in and save us Jews. That will just make it worse for us. Ukrainian Jews are just trying to survive without drawing attention to ourselves and if the Russians actually send their troops into here, things will get a lot worse. Russophobic sentiment will skyrocket- and this will cause a truly nazi government, which will target us as well. Meanwhile I was also vocally critical of America's intervention in Ukraine because of its effect on Ukrainian Jews. However, I have defended America far more than anyone else in Ukraine. Ukrainian Nazis hate America as much as they hate Russia, and some idiots who even aren't nazis, including some Jews, think the American government = America. I'm just really hoping and praying that there is no more foreign intervention in Ukraine because it will only hurt my fellow Jews. One day I do plan to move to Israel, maybe when I can some family, but now I don't have the means. I'm just trying to make the best living here while I still have to.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #55 on: August 14, 2014, 01:12:21 PM »
**The USA will become one of  the biggest and ugliest Jew hating nations.**

As for Russia, they have a horrid history of persecution and mass murdering of the Jewish people.  Actually, G-d did start severely punishing them for quite a few decades with Communism. 
They will turn on Israel in the future and G-d will take care of that.  I am positive of that, 100%.  Of course Chaim is correct..


Putin is not the leading perp in the Ukrainian FUBAR.

John McCain and his pals ARE.  Thats what this topic is, correct?

John McCain, Nuland, Sen Murphy, Pierre Omidyar (Ebay founder), Soros et al.. All included in on the awful situation in Ukraine:

Nuland grilled in Ukraine by Rohrbacher for supporting Nazis in Ukraine: (She is a Jew also, KOO KOO)

John McCain with Svoboda Party member Oleh Tyanbok, below:

USA Today Rieder: Pierre Omidyar's Ukrainian connection

It is AMERICA that put these Nazi bastards in charge of Ukraine. 
Which is why Jews are making Aliyah TO Israel from Ukraine.

The US Govt is one of the most evil governments in the world now because of the Muslim Commie, BHO
You are right, and I was furious when I saw the pictures of John McCain with Tyahnybok- I don't know if he's actually evil, or he's just an idiot. However, I disagree about America being worse than Putin. The truth is that Putin is threatening the stability of the country- which is keeping most Jews, especially the Chassids who live in traditional communities in the west of the country, safe, for now. If Russia actually sends troops into Ukraine to aid the separatists, God only knows what kind of new nazi abomination will arise, with men possibly worse than Tyahnybok taking power. Putin is hurting Ukrainian Jews just as much as Tyahnybok.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #56 on: August 14, 2014, 02:58:19 PM »
Last time the Eurocommunists made the german nazi to invade the russia. Then after they isolated and crushed the Serbs with the active help of Albanian muslo-nazis. Now they are pushing the Ukrainnazi against russonazi to teach them a lesson of their life. 
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline JudasMaccabeus

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #57 on: August 14, 2014, 06:04:12 PM »

The Ukrainians and the Russians both massacred, raped and tortured millions of Jews for centuries. The Ukrainians and the Russians should kill each other as much as possible, beezrat Hashem (with G-d's help).

Any Jew who lives in Ukraine after all that they did is insane. Any Jew who defends the Ukrainian Nazi mass murdering pigs is self-hating. I am not interesting in debating your holocaust revisionism. Stay in Ukraine with the butchers of Babi Yar and the kozaks. Continue to intermarry with these jealous, drunken savages. But do not come on this Kahanist forum to whitewash their Nazi crimes.

A message to our Serb members who are always trying to come here to defend the Russian Jew-haters: We support Serbia because the Serbs did not murder Jews in the holocaust and the Serbs did fight bravely against the German Nazis. Also the enemies of the Serbs are the enemies of the Jews - the Croats, Albanians and Bosnians were always Nazi Jew-haters and they murdered 90,000 Yugoslav Jews during the holocaust. So we are pro-Serb. But we do not and will not support your Russian Jew-hating allies who have always sought to destroy the Jewish people and who to this day are doing everything possible to help Muslim Nazi Iran develop nuclear weapons. If you want our support, stop demanding that we support our Russian enemies even if they happen to be your allies.

What a sick generation we live in. This is what the plague of intermarriage does - it causes Jews to defend their Nazi murderers. But not on this forum.

Not to defend antisemites, but Russian 'Orthodox Christianity' was largely co-opted after Czar Alexis in 1666, and after that any Old Believer dissenters were persecuted for holding to original and uncorrupted Christian Faith, tens of thousands of them every decade for over 300 years. After this time, were Jews also persecuted, with anyone else who didn't tow the line, by the official 'spiritual' arm of the Russian State.

I am an 'Old Believer' Orthodox in sympathies, so I have no reason to defend these G-d hating antisemite masses, these brutish lumpen people who so easily revert to heathendom. eventually they will all except a few perhaps, turn to Islam or the like. Anybody seen the Moslems infesting Moscow in recent years?

And as Ive said before, I am of Jewish ancestry on my mother's side, I will not betray my blood, my people Israel, far from it. Sparks will be redeemed, and all who fear G-d should in time return to Israel, I believe.

All I am saying ultimately is that distinctions should be made; I am an Orthodox Christian, myself, and love Israel and the Jewish people of whom I have a blood kinship with. And I'm sure there are others like me out there too.
Russian Orthodox Christian, friend of the Jewish people.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #58 on: August 14, 2014, 07:43:11 PM »
Not to defend antisemites, but Russian 'Orthodox Christianity' was largely co-opted after Czar Alexis in 1666, and after that any Old Believer dissenters were persecuted for holding to original and uncorrupted Christian Faith, tens of thousands of them every decade for over 300 years. After this time, were Jews also persecuted, with anyone else who didn't tow the line, by the official 'spiritual' arm of the Russian State.

I am an 'Old Believer' Orthodox in sympathies, so I have no reason to defend these G-d hating antisemite masses, these brutish lumpen people who so easily revert to heathendom. eventually they will all except a few perhaps, turn to Islam or the like. Anybody seen the Moslems infesting Moscow in recent years?

And as Ive said before, I am of Jewish ancestry on my mother's side, I will not betray my blood, my people Israel, far from it. Sparks will be redeemed, and all who fear G-d should in time return to Israel, I believe.

All I am saying ultimately is that distinctions should be made; I am an Orthodox Christian, myself, and love Israel and the Jewish people of whom I have a blood kinship with. And I'm sure there are others like me out there too.

Jewish ancestry? Is your maternal grandmother Jewish?
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #59 on: August 14, 2014, 08:18:26 PM »
Last time the Eurocommunists made the german nazi to invade the russia. Then after they isolated and crushed the Serbs with the active help of Albanian muslo-nazis. Now they are pushing the Ukrainnazi against russonazi to teach them a lesson of their life.
And the victims, as usual, will be the Jews used as chess pieces.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #60 on: August 15, 2014, 03:59:25 PM »

Ukraine crisis: Kiev says troops destroyed Russian vehicle, border officials begin inspection of aid convoy from Moscow

Ukraine says its forces have attacked and partly destroyed a Russian armoured column that entered Ukrainian territory, a firefight which if confirmed would mark a dramatic worsening of the conflict.

Russia's government denied its forces had crossed into Ukraine, and accused Kiev of trying to sabotage deliveries of aid, but European capitals accused the Kremlin of escalating the fighting.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Green Land

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #61 on: August 15, 2014, 05:02:36 PM »
Even evil BBC is saying : Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2014, 05:06:06 PM »
Nazis Glorified in Ukraine: SS uniforms on display at reburial service for Ukrainian WWII veterans

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #63 on: August 15, 2014, 05:06:25 PM »
I refuse to intermarry, because I do not want to have the possibility of non-Jewish children. I have dealt with anti-semitism before, infrequently, but it has indeed happened. I don't defend Ukrainian Nazis, in fact I condemn them, it's just that I don't like it how some spread Russian propaganda that they're going to come in and save us Jews. That will just make it worse for us. Ukrainian Jews are just trying to survive without drawing attention to ourselves and if the Russians actually send their troops into here, things will get a lot worse. Russophobic sentiment will skyrocket- and this will cause a truly nazi government, which will target us as well. Meanwhile I was also vocally critical of America's intervention in Ukraine because of its effect on Ukrainian Jews. However, I have defended America far more than anyone else in Ukraine. Ukrainian Nazis hate America as much as they hate Russia, and some idiots who even aren't nazis, including some Jews, think the American government = America. I'm just really hoping and praying that there is no more foreign intervention in Ukraine because it will only hurt my fellow Jews. One day I do plan to move to Israel, maybe when I can some family, but now I don't have the means. I'm just trying to make the best living here while I still have to.

Chaim is right about the whole thing..
But, sorry UJ:  G'd bless you.. I believe OBAMA is the most evil leader alive.
Tyanabok is a Nazi.
The people in charge now are Nazis & or fascists.

Russia is not responsible for this EU/US Govt lead mess.

HOWEVER: I do understand why you would hate and disrespect the Russians.  They have been very evil to our people.
Im not giving anyone a pass...
BUT:  John McCain is supposed to be an ARIZONA senator, he is not supposed to be going to Ukraine.

I DO pray and feel HORRIBLE for what the US Govt has done in Ukraine.
Terribly.  I AM so sorry for what has happened there to the people of Ukraine.
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #64 on: August 15, 2014, 05:07:17 PM »
US support of violent neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #65 on: August 15, 2014, 05:08:33 PM »
US support of violent neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation

Its so sick and sad, S. Serbian, but it IS the US Govt that did all of this.

I AM sorry also for what they did to the Serbians.
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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #66 on: August 15, 2014, 05:11:35 PM »
Not to defend antisemites, but Russian 'Orthodox Christianity' was largely co-opted after Czar Alexis in 1666, and after that any Old Believer dissenters were persecuted for holding to original and uncorrupted Christian Faith, tens of thousands of them every decade for over 300 years. After this time, were Jews also persecuted, with anyone else who didn't tow the line, by the official 'spiritual' arm of the Russian State.

I am an 'Old Believer' Orthodox in sympathies, so I have no reason to defend these G-d hating antisemite masses, these brutish lumpen people who so easily revert to heathendom. eventually they will all except a few perhaps, turn to Islam or the like. Anybody seen the Moslems infesting Moscow in recent years?

And as Ive said before, I am of Jewish ancestry on my mother's side, I will not betray my blood, my people Israel, far from it. Sparks will be redeemed, and all who fear G-d should in time return to Israel, I believe.

All I am saying ultimately is that distinctions should be made; I am an Orthodox Christian, myself, and love Israel and the Jewish people of whom I have a blood kinship with. And I'm sure there are others like me out there too.
He's right many old believers fled to Alaska and some later to Idaho because they were persecuted
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #67 on: August 15, 2014, 05:30:48 PM »
Its so sick and sad, S. Serbian, but it IS the US Govt that did all of this.

I AM sorry also for what they did to the Serbians.

Thanks, AsheDina, you are good person! I know that US Government is to blame, NOT entire US population, that is clear. US Govt is damaging Israel too, and US citizens too.

In Serbia, unfortunatelly, we have now self-hating government in power too, that is working against it's own nation and county.

Serbs and Jews share very similar destiny, and have same enemies. So I think Serbs and Jews have to be closest allies, and true friends!
Best wishes to you!

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #68 on: August 15, 2014, 05:47:38 PM »
Jewish ancestry? Is your maternal grandmother Jewish?

 Yes, it seems so. My mother's side of the family is 1/2 Jewish, my maternal grandmother and her husband both converted to Papism and later then their children married into an ethnic French immigrant family (possibly crypto-jewish themselves, three brothers of one family married three sisters of the other), so i'm at least one-quarter Jewish in ethnicity. There is much more family research to be done, but it's certain that there is Jewish ancestry in my family tree in a not inconsiderable amount, enough to be killed im sure by some.

Yesterday when I posted, I wanted to point out that yesterday by a strange 'coincidence' was the feast-day of the Holy Macabees in the Orthodox Christian calendar. It occured to me that a faith that holds up holy Jewish Martyrs and Nationalists as Saints for being Jewish Nationalists cannot be said to be anti-semitic, no real Orthodox Christian could be.

Again, my bottom line is the necessity of the survival of the Jewish people and the survival of their rightful Jewish Nation, in Israel, promised them by G-d. All else is commentary.
Russian Orthodox Christian, friend of the Jewish people.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #69 on: August 15, 2014, 05:49:40 PM »
Chaim is right about the whole thing..
But, sorry UJ:  G'd bless you.. I believe OBAMA is the most evil leader alive.
Tyanabok is a Nazi.
The people in charge now are Nazis & or fascists.

Russia is not responsible for this EU/US Govt lead mess.

HOWEVER: I do understand why you would hate and disrespect the Russians.  They have been very evil to our people.
Im not giving anyone a pass...
BUT:  John McCain is supposed to be an ARIZONA senator, he is not supposed to be going to Ukraine.

I DO pray and feel HORRIBLE for what the US Govt has done in Ukraine.
Terribly.  I AM so sorry for what has happened there to the people of Ukraine.
Thanks for understanding. If only Russia and the US wouldn't interfere in the mess, it would be better for the Jews and better for the Ukrainians. Tyahnybok received 1% of the vote for president, and the commie pig Dobkin got 3%. Meanwhile the new president Poroshenko is not that great as he's known as the shokoladny korol/"chocolate king" and represents corporate greed rather than the people, but at least the nazi threat is gone for now.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #70 on: August 15, 2014, 05:53:08 PM »
Here in Good Ole America we have our own 'Chocolate King' and his name is Obama..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #71 on: August 15, 2014, 05:55:41 PM »
Here in Good Ole America we have our own 'Chocolate King' and his name is Obama..
LOL! Probably milk chocolate.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #72 on: August 15, 2014, 06:44:14 PM »
 :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #73 on: August 15, 2014, 07:03:26 PM »
He's right many old believers fled to Alaska and some later to Idaho because they were persecuted

Thank you for pointing that out. I'm not saying that there weren't problems between the Russians and the Jews prior to 1666, but nonetheless, it wasn't until the attempts to westernize and become an Imperial power just like those in the west that things got really really terrible for many people in the Russian Empire, especially the Jews and Old Believer Orthodox Christians, without going into the revival of Serfdom as Russia modernized for example.
Russian Orthodox Christian, friend of the Jewish people.

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Re: Rise of the UKRAINIAN nazism in the middle of Europe! GRAPHIC 18+
« Reply #74 on: August 15, 2014, 07:13:02 PM »
Thank you for pointing that out. I'm not saying that there weren't problems between the Russians and the Jews prior to 1666, but nonetheless, it wasn't until the attempts to westernize and become an Imperial power just like those in the west that things got really really terrible for many people in the Russian Empire, especially the Jews and Old Believer Orthodox Christians, without going into the revival of Serfdom as Russia modernized for example.
I found this on Wikipedia:,_Alaska,_Alaska,_Alaska