Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

The Hebrew Origin of Serbs

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Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: simonpeter on August 16, 2014, 12:04:22 PM ---I have a personal idea, only an idea without much investigation on my part to look into it one way or another, that the Slavs are the descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel, at least in part. The Sarmatians=From Samaria? Maybe, I don't know.

Anyway, I do know that Serbia and Israel are both beloved to me in my heart, and both are threatened by Nazi and Islamic scum today as always.

Glory to Serbia! Glory to Israel!

--- End quote ---
That's an interesting theory. That would mean non-Jewish Ukrainians, like my dad, have Semitic DNA. I know that Sarmatians were Iranic, and so were Kurds, and Kurds and Jews are biologically related.


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