Maybe in our past reincarnations we were the owners of Facebook and we shut them down. 
That's kind of funny, but it's still showing hate for Jews that teach Kaballah. Anyways, I said that gilgulim doesn't explain everything, and it can't be that all of us owned facebook, or that it is being done as a punishment to the owners of the pages, since those affected most are the readers.
Why do you think Hashem wanted that to happen? Maybe it was immodesty, or he didn't want us to support those evil people by giving them hits?
Anyways an idea just came into my head. Maybe we contact Rabbi Mizrachi, Micheal Ben Ari, and the other conservatives on facebook that had their page attacked, and we make a "kosher" facebook maybe with that tea party community facebook thing to help us if need be, and then all the Rabbis and good people can post freely without worrying. We can also make it interactive with non-members, so they can post and get a bait to join that way. Righteous book or true book or right book or something idk. It's worth it to contact those groups and Rabbis just as an excuse to make new connections.