Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Albanian PM to visit Belgrade in September

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Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: serbian army on August 31, 2014, 03:44:38 AM ---I believe he is from Partizan background as that area of the country was more pro Partizan, but I believe he supports both. He was really hated by chetniks as he was an American asset early on but he drastically shifted away once they got him into power. Anyhow, he was very very wealthy during Socialism which makes me think his family must have been in bed with communists. Now he is pro chetnik and pro partizan because this division is seen as great evil. Srpska Radikalna Stranka Republika Srpska supported Israel recently and they god some bad comments from Srpska Radikalna Stranka from Serbia. It was really funny division. Just to say that majority of Radikals are pro Jewish. I guess Sheshelj decided to go against Israeli state because they are in bed with America and he hates America the most although early in his political career he traveled there and was given some money by American Serbs.

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Many Ukrainians think the same. It's just not "cool" to support anything American. These are just stupid apes who can't separate a country from its government. It's great that Srpska Radikalna Stranka Republika Srpska supports Israel, I did some searches and couldn't find anything for it- it just upsetting they're pro-EU, which true Serbian nationalists would be against. It's also good that Dodik is a nationalist, even though he's a leftist-nationalist, he still doesn't want immigrants, he wants Serbian self-determination, etc.

I also saw a certain "Chetnik Zionist" on YouTube praising him:
Which makes me feel better about him.

Super Mentalita:

--- Quote from: Ukrainian Jew on August 31, 2014, 12:51:05 PM ---Many Ukrainians think the same. It's just not "cool" to support anything American. These are just stupid apes who can't separate a country from its government. It's great that Srpska Radikalna Stranka Republika Srpska supports Israel, I did some searches and couldn't find anything for it- it just upsetting they're pro-EU, which true Serbian nationalists would be against. It's also good that Dodik is a nationalist, even though he's a leftist-nationalist, he still doesn't want immigrants, he wants Serbian self-determination, etc.

I also saw a certain "Chetnik Zionist" on YouTube praising him:
Which makes me feel better about him.

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A few weeks ago some Serbian politicians from Bosnia (Republika Srpska) annouchend that they support Israel in their struggle. The people ive met in Serbia (Belgrade) and in Bosnia (Republika Srpska, Banja Luka) were all very pro-Israel and anti-Islam.

Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: Super Mentalita on August 31, 2014, 04:17:03 PM ---A few weeks ago some Serbian politicians from Bosnia (Republika Srpska) annouchend that they support Israel in their struggle. The people ive met in Serbia (Belgrade) and in Bosnia (Republika Srpska, Banja Luka) were all very pro-Israel and anti-Islam.

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Which ones? I'm curious. I hope that the Demokratska Stranka Republike Srpske supports Israel because they're right-wing nationalists, anti-EU, and anti-globalist.

Super Mentalita:

--- Quote from: Ukrainian Jew on August 31, 2014, 10:24:25 PM ---Which ones? I'm curious. I hope that the Demokratska Stranka Republike Srpske supports Israel because they're right-wing nationalists, anti-EU, and anti-globalist.

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Just see your post. Sorry. Here i will send you the link from some weeks ago:

Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: Super Mentalita on September 09, 2014, 06:14:09 PM ---Just see your post. Sorry. Here i will send you the link from some weeks ago:

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But that's not the Radicals, that's the Social Democrats.


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