Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Albanian PM to visit Belgrade in September

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Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: Slobodan on September 13, 2014, 07:57:39 AM ---Central Albania is where most of real Albanians are concentrated. About Kosovo and Metohija, I don't know.

Albanians came from Caucasus. They are cattleman. Nobody wanted to accept them, so we did. We give them land for free (not territory, to avoid confusion) so they can breed the cattle and pay Serbia taxes. Almost all of todays Albania (like 98% or so), whole Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, about 80% of Croatia, about 95% of Greece and the whole Bulgaria where all part of Serbian empire. There is no Albanian land in the Balkans.

Montenegrins are 100% Serbs, yes. It is a geographical term for Serbs living in the Montenegro. In todays Serbia, we still have those terms (unfortunately), like Vojvođanin (Serb that lives in the Vojvodina - noth Serbia), Šumadinac (Serb that lives in Šumadia part of Serbia), Moravac (Serb that lives in the Morava river region), and so on.
Vatican took advantage of that, and after "communist" occupation of Yugoslavia, Tito created artificial nations from Serbs. Like Montenegrins, Macedonians (which are not  100% Serbs, but rather mixed with Bulgarians, and what do I know with whom more), Bosnians (Serbs of islamic religion that live in Bosnia), and so on.
Now, Vatican is pushing creation of Vojvođana as a nation. In order to diminish the number of Serbs. And so on...

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There still are self-indentifying Serbs in FYROM. But as far as I can see Serbs and Greeks are friends and both say that FYROM is an artificial nation and that ancient Macedonians were Hellenic and not Slavic.

Albanian Prime Minister:

Ukrainian Jew:
A nation with a degenerate who has appeared nude in public is the epitome of "third world".

serbian army:
I don't really think about the Albanians. Their only success against the Serbs was with 100% Nato power involved in conflict at height of American power in 1999 when this country was swimming in pool of money. This was aimed at Russia rather than Serbia and to scare other smaller Slavic nations in submission. Even with Serbia completely destroyed financially the Albanians don't stand any chance if war is to come between the two. Yes, they are in advantage in Kosovo but any geopolitical change would mean complete destruction for them. All I worry about is that we, Slavic brothers, are at war each other. We act like hungry dog's waiting for German master to throw the bone. We are about 400 million strong as we share language, culture, cuisine, ancient history, genetics, and hospitality. Why serve the bloody Germans? I can't understand those Ukrainian soldiers wearing symbols of German nation. Why? Why would any Slav wear anything related to bloody Germans?

Ukrainian Jew:

--- Quote from: serbian army on October 24, 2014, 09:01:28 PM ---I don't really think about the Albanians. Their only success against the Serbs was with 100% Nato power involved in conflict at height of American power in 1999 when this country was swimming in pool of money. This was aimed at Russia rather than Serbia and to scare other smaller Slavic nations in submission. Even with Serbia completely destroyed financially the Albanians don't stand any chance if war is to come between the two. Yes, they are in advantage in Kosovo but any geopolitical change would mean complete destruction for them. All I worry about is that we, Slavic brothers, are at war each other. We act like hungry dog's waiting for German master to throw the bone. We are about 400 million strong as we share language, culture, cuisine, ancient history, genetics, and hospitality. Why serve the bloody Germans? I can't understand those Ukrainian soldiers wearing symbols of German nation. Why? Why would any Slav wear anything related to bloody Germans?

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Tyahnybok promises the easily manipulated masses anything they want. After living in the shadow of Russia for their entire lives, many західні (westerners) will support whatever is the most anti-Russian, even if it means their complete submission to globalism and homosexual agendas of the EUSSR. Here in L'viv many are more educated- but as a result we are seeing some degenerate yuppie types emerging because of the influence of the West. Those are the most hardcore Poroshenko voters. I already went through a day this past May where the city was encouraged to speak Russian for the day in a show of support for the population of Crimea and Donbas to turn them against the separatists. I and many other young people didn't participate- many here don't speak Russian. Nevertheless, the idea incensed the Swoboda voters. Yet they brought it on themselves by aligning with those who promoted it. I was happy with Euromaidan for removing the corrupt and some of the oligarchs, and I believe that many of the separatists are terrorists who must be stopped. Yet I have now come to support the idea of Novorossia, because it will restore peace to my country and end the language war as well as the military war. Of course as I'm Jewish there is some pressure for me to keep quiet about this fact, because it certainly wouldn't do anything good for fellow Jews.

Also, as far as Germans go, there are some German Slavophiles- Constantin von Hoffmeister being a good example.


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