Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Albanian PM to visit Belgrade in September
serbian army:
--- Quote from: Super Mentalita on November 02, 2014, 02:01:54 PM ---I'am learning Serbian for a while now. I'am planning to move to Bulgaria (Sofia) for a job. Do you know in how far i can use the Serbian language in Bulgaria and if the langauge is similar?
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I understand everything when Bulgarians talk. But their accent is little different and as a native speaker for me it is not really hard to understand. For you it might be little harder but as I said languages are almost identical. Bulgars are mix between the Serbs and old Bulgars but they adopted our language. Next in line are Macedonian, Slovenian, and Ukrainian that are the most similar to Serbian. Modern Croatian is identical, but there are some parts that speak old Croatian accent which has been very hard to pick up for me so far.
Ukrainian Jew:
--- Quote from: serbian army on November 02, 2014, 03:19:40 PM ---I understand everything when Bulgarians talk. But their accent is little different and as a native speaker for me it is not really hard to understand. For you it might be little harder but as I said languages are almost identical. Bulgars are mix between the Serbs and old Bulgars but they adopted our language. Next in line are Macedonian, Slovenian, and Ukrainian that are the most similar to Serbian. Modern Croatian is identical, but there are some parts that speak old Croatian accent which has been very hard to pick up for me so far.
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What's the Serbian position on "Macedonia"? I'm curious. Do Serbs side with Greeks?
Super Mentalita:
--- Quote from: Ukrainian Jew on November 03, 2014, 04:38:26 PM ---What's the Serbian position on "Macedonia"? I'm curious. Do Serbs side with Greeks?
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Serbs are realy close with the Greeks and the other way around.
serbian army:
--- Quote from: Ukrainian Jew on November 03, 2014, 04:38:26 PM ---What's the Serbian position on "Macedonia"? I'm curious. Do Serbs side with Greeks?
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Well, I spoke with two Macedonians in my life and we did not have any problem to communicate. Greeks have problem with name Macedonia and consider this country to be theirs. The people there, with exception to Albanians in Macedonia, speak Serbian or Serbian/Bulgarian variation/accent. We have a great relationship with Greeks but I personally do not like the way they treat them. Naturally, people tend to support those who speak their language over some more distant group.
serbian army:
--- Quote from: serbian army on October 30, 2014, 03:34:53 PM ---Funny part is that the Serbs use same word as in Polish for good buy-dovidjenja..
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Meant to say good bye...
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